
Preprint and/or Submitted

  • Conformal novelty detection for replicate point patterns with FDR or FWER control, with Christope Biscio and Martin V. Vejling, arXiv (2025).
  • Adaptive inference with random ellipsoids through Conformal Conditional Linear Expectation, with Iain Henderson and Fabrice Gamboa, arXiv (2024).


  • Monte Carlo integration of non-differentiable functions on [0,1]^i, i=1,…,d , using a single determinantal point pattern defined on [0,1]^d, with Jean-François Coeurjolly and Pierre-Olivier Amblard, in Electronic Journal of Statistics (2021), DOI: 10.1214/21-EJS1929 , arXiv, HAL.
  • Projections of determinantal point processes, with Jean-François Coeurjolly and Pierre-Olivier Amblard, in Spatial Statistics (2020), DOI:10.1016/j.spasta.2020.100437, arXiv.
  • Fluctuation analysis on mutation models with birth-date dependence, in Mathematical Biosciences (2018), DOI:10.1016/j.mbs.2018.06.006, HAL.
  • Time inhomogeneous mutation model with birth-date dependence, in Bulletin of Mathematical Biology (2017), DOI: 10.1007/s11538-017-0357-3, HAL.
  • flan: An R Package for Inference on Mutation Models with Rémy Drouilhet, Stéphane Despréaux and Bernard Ycart, in R Journal (2017), URL.

You can find my thesis manuscript here.


Determinantal Point Processes

  • rcdpp: DPP sampling using Rcpp (see GitHub)

Mutation Models

  • flan: FLuctuation ANalysis on mutation models
    (Final mutants count distribution, parameters estimation, statistical tests),
    with Rémy Drouilhet, Stéphane Despréaux and Bernard Ycart (CRAN).
  • ShinyFlan: Web App for Statistical Test using flan,
    with Rémy Drouilhet and Bernard Ycart (available here).