Short CV

Professional career

From September 2019 to August 2020, I was a research and teaching assistant (ATER) at Université de Lille in MIME department.

I went to Quebec from September 2017 to August 2019, as a Postdoctoral Fellow at Université du Québec À Montréal, where I started to study the use of determinantal point processes for computer experiments and Monte-Carlo experiments with Jean-François Coeurjolly and Pierre-Olivier Amblard.

I obtained my PhD in Applied Mathematics in July 2017 at Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann, Université Grenoble Alpes. I worked under supervision of Bernard Ycart on mutation models, which are probabilistic descriptions of the growth of a population of cells, where mutations occur rarely and randomly during the process.

Scientific Events

Current responsabilities

  • Member of recruitment committee of INSA Toulouse (Sept. 2023-…, proposition for selection commitees)
  • Nominated member of « Collège Scientifique de Mathématiques » of Université Paul Sabatier (Feb. 2022-…, proposition for selection commitees, ATER selection)
  • Member of the Eco-responsibility unit of IMT (Sept. 2021-…)
  • Elected member of the Mathematical Statistic group of the French Society of Statistic (2021-…), Vice-President since Sept. 2022


  • Head of the Eco-responsibility unit of IMT (Sept. 2021-Oct. 2023)