
I am currently Assitant Professor at the « Institut de Mathématiques de Toulouse« . I have been working there since sept 2010 in the team « Mathématiques pour l’industrie et la Physique » (say the applied analysis team…).

I have been working during my PhD in Rennes (IRMAR) under the supervision of Florian Méhats on the modeling of the transport of electrons in nanoparticles (low dimensional models for partially confined Schrödinger-Poisson systems).

Since then, I have been mostly interested in Mathematical models for biology and collective motion. On this webpage, you can find some of my colleagues in Toulouse working on  mathematics for biology and health.

I am member of the EFI (Entropy, flows, inequalities) ANR-17-CE40-0030 project.

Contact : 

Email : fanny.delebecque’at’

Phone : +33 (0) 5 61 55 60 89

Office : Batiment 1R3, bureau 214

Address :

Institut Mathématiques de Toulouse (UMR 5219)

118 route de Narbonne

F-31062 Toulouse Cedex 9