
Optimisation et Simulation Monte Carlo : Entrelacements

Funded by Fondation Simone et Cino Del Duca, 2019. From January 2020 to December 2023.


P.I.: Gersende Fort.

Scope :  When Optimization and Monte Carlo sampling  intertwin. The goal of this project is twofold

  1. How to combine Optimization techniques and Monte Carlo sampling in order to solve challenging optimization problems ?
  2. How to combine Monte Carlo sampling and Optimization techniques in order to improve the efficiency of the samplers ?

These two problems are motivated by computational problems in Statistics and Statistical Learning.

Two main directions of research are followed:

  1. Stochastic Majorization-Minorization algorithms for large scale learning: when Monte Carlo sampling is used to tackle the intractabilities of the majorizing step, possibly in the context of Federated learning.
    • Member of the team: Eric Moulines (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique), Hoi-To Wai (Chinese University of Hong-Kong), Aymeric Dieuleveut (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique), Geneviève Robin (LAMME, CNRS), Pierre Gach (IMT, Université Toulouse III), Florence Forbes (INRIA Grenoble), Hien Duy Nguyen (Univ. Queensland, Australia).
    • Codes: github gfort-lab
  2. Efficient Monte Carlo sampling for a Bayesian analysis of the Covid-19 reproduction number: when optimization techniques improve on classical MCMC samplers for non-smooth concave target log-densities thus allowing the estimation of credibility regions for the a posteriori distribution of the Covid-19 reproduction number.
    • Member of the team: Patrice Abry (LP-ENSL, CNRS), Juliette Chevallier (IMT, INSA), Barbara Pascal (CRIStAL, CNRS), Nelly Pustelnik (LP-ENSL, CNRS), Hugo Artigas (Ecole Polytechnique).
    • Codes: github gfort-lab
    • Webpage: see below for France from January 2022.



  •  A. Dieuleveut, G. Fort, E. Moulines and H.-T. Wai. Stochastic Approximation beyong Gradient for Signal Processing and Machine Learning. hal-03979922.  IEEE Trans Signal Processing; 71:3117-3148, 2023. paper
  •  G. Fort and E. Moulines. Stochastic Variable Metric Proximal Gradient with variance reduction for non-convex composite optimization.  hal-03781216. Accepted for publication in Statistics and Computing, March 2023. paper
  • P. Abry, G. Fort, B. Pascal and N. Pusteknik.  Covid19 Reproduction Number: Credibility Intervals by Blockwise Proximal Monte Carlo Samplers.  hal-03611079.  IEEE Trans. Signal Processing, 71:888-900, 2023. paper
  • A. Dieuleveut, G. Fort, E. Moulines, G. Robin. Federated Expectation Maximization with  heterogeneity mitigation and variance reduction.  hal-03333516.  In Conference Proceedings NeurIPS,  Vol 33, p.16972-16982, 2021. paper
  • G. Fort, E. Moulines, P. Gach. Fast Incremental Expectation Maximization for non-convex finite-sum optimization: non asymptotic convergence bounds.  hal-02617725. Statistics and Computing, 31(48):24 pages, 2021. paper
  • G. Fort, E. Moulines, H.T. Wai. A Stochastic Path Integrated Differential Estimator Expectation Maximization Algorithm.   hal-03029700. In Conference Proceedings NeurIPS,  Vol 33, p.16972-16982, 2020.  paper


  •  P. Abry, J. Chevallier,  G. Fort and B. Pascal. Pandemic Intensity Estimation From Stochastic Approximation-Based Algorithms.   hal-04174245.  Accepted for publication in CAMSAP 2023 conference proceedings. paper
  • P. Abry, G. Fort, B. Pascal and N. Pustelnik. Credibility intervals for the reproduction number of the Covid-19 pandemic using Proximal Lanvevin samplers.  hal-03902144. Accepted for publication in the  EUSIPCO 2023 proceedings. paper
  • H. Artigas, B. Pascal, G. Fort, P.  Abry and N. Pustelnik.  Credibility Interval Design for Covid19 Reproduction Number from nonsmooth Langevin-type Monte Carlo sampling. hal-03371837. Accepted for publication in EUSIPCO 2022 conference proceedings. paper
  • P. Abry, G. Fort, B. Pascal and N. Pustelnik.  Temporal Evolution of the Covid19 pandemic reproduction number: Estimations from Proximal optimization to Monte Carlo sampling. hal-03565440. Accepted for publication in EMBC 2022 conference proceedings. paper
  • H. Duy Nguyen, F. Forbes, G. Fort and O. Cappé. An online Minorization-Maximization algorithm. hal-03542180. Accepted for publication in IFCS 2022 proceedings. paper
  • G. Fort and E. Moulines. The Perturbed Prox-Preconditioned SPIDER algorithm for EM-based large scale learning.  hal-03183775. Accepted to IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP 2021). paper
  • G. Fort and E. Moulines. The Perturbed Prox-Preconditioned SPIDER algorithm: non-asymptotic convergence bounds.   hal-03183775. Accepted to  IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP 2021). paper
  • G. Fort,  E. Moulines, H.-T. Wai.  Geom-SPIDER-EM: Faster Variance Reduced Stochastic Expectation Maximization for Nonconvex Finite-Sum Optimization. hal-03021394. 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2021) pp:3135-3139. paper
  •  P. Abry, G. Fort, B. Pascal and N. Pustelnik.  Estimation et intervalles de crédibilité pour le taux de reproduction de la Covid19 par échantillonnage Monte Carlo Langevin proximal.  hal-03611891. Accepted for publication in GRETSI 2022 conference proceedings. paper


Invited communications in international or national conferences

  • (plenary conference) TBA. Monte Carlo and Quasi-Monte Carlo methods in Scientific Computing, Waterloo, Canada, August 2024.
  • (plenary conference) TBA. French-German-Spanish conference on Optimization, Gijon, Spain, June 2024.
  • (plenary conference) L’Approximation Stochastique au-delà du Gradient. Colloque GRETSI, Grenoble, France, August 2023
  • When Markov chains control Monte Carlo sampling. Conference Processus markoviens, semi-markoviens et leurs applications, Montpellier, France, June 2023.
  • Stochastic Variable Metric Forward-Backward with variance reduction for non-convex optimization. Workshop  Learning and Optimization in Luminy, CIRM, Luminy, France, October 2022.
  • (plenary conference) Algorithmes Majoration-Minoration stochastiques pour l’Apprentissage Statistique grande échelle. 53èmes Journées de Statistique de la SFDS, Lyon, France, June 2022.
  • (plenary conference) Stochastic Majorize-Minimization algorithms for large scale learning. Journées de Statistique du Sud, Avignon, France, May 2022.
  • Federated Expectation Maximization with heterogeneity mitigation and variance reduction. Workshop  Current Developments in MCMC methods, Warsaw, Poland, December 2021.
  • A Variance Reduced Expectation Maximization algorithm for finite-sum optimization.  Conference in Numerical Probability, in honour of Gilles Pagès, Paris, France, May 2021.
  • Fast Incremental Expectation Maximization algorithm: how many iterations for an \epsilon-stationary point ? Conference Optimization for Machine Learning, CIRM, Luminy, France, March 2020.

Contributed communications in international or national conferences

  • Pandemic Intensity Estimation From Stochastic Approximation-Based Algorithms. 2023 INternational Workshop on Computational Advances in Multi-Sensor Adaptive Processing. (CAMSAP), Herradura, Costa Rica, December 2023.
  • Credibility intervals for the reproduction number of the Covid-19 pandemic using Proximal Lanvevin samplers. 31th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Helsinki, Finland, August 2023.
  • Stochastic Approximation beyond Gradient.  European Meeting of Statisticians, Warsaw, Poland, July 2023.
  • Credibility Interval Design for Covid19 Reproduction Number from nonsmooth Langevin-type Monte Carlo sampling.  30th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO), Belgrade, Serbia, August 2022.
  • Temporal Evolution of the Covid19 pandemic reproduction number: Estimations from Proximal optimization to Monte Carlo sampling.  44-th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Glascow, United Kingdom, July 2022.
  • Federated Expectation Maximization with heterogeneity mitigation and variance reduction,  Journée du GDR ISIS « Statistical Learning with missing values, » in visio, December 2021.
  • Confidence intervals for Covid-19 Reproduction Number Estimation combining NonSmooth Convex Proximal Optimization and Stochastic Sampling.  Conference on Complex Systems, Lyon, France, October 2021.
  • The Perturbed Prox-Preconditioned SPIDER algorithm for EM-based large scale learning.  IEEE Statistical Signal Processing Workshop (SSP), in visio, July 2021.
  • GEOM-SPIDER-EM: faster variance reduced Stochastic Expectation Maximization for Nonconvex Finite-Sum Optimization.  International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP); in visio, June 2021.
  • A Stochastic Path-Integrated Differential EstimatoR EM algorithm.  Neural Information Processing Systems (NeurIPS); in visio, December 2020.


Invited communications in seminars of academic research labs, part of national or international Universities

  • TBA.  Séminaire Math-Bio-Santé de l’IMT, Toulouse, France; June 2024.
  • TBA.  Séminaire de l’équipe DATA du LJK, Grenoble, France; January 2024.
  • Stochastic Approximation Beyond Gradient. Colloque de l’Institut de Santé Globale, Geneve, Switzerland; October 2023.
  • Stochastic Approximation Beyond Gradient. OptAzur: Optimization in French Riviera, Antibes, France; October 2023 .
  • Stochastic Variable Metric Forward-Backward with variance reduction.  Séminaire Parisien d’Optimisation, Paris, France; April 2023.
  • Credibility Intervals for Covid19 reproduction number from Nonsmooth Langevin-type Monte Carlo sampling. Séminaire du Maxwell Institute for Maxthematical Sciences, Heriot-Watt University; Edimbourg, Royaume-Uni; October 2022.
  • Variance reduced Majorize-Minimization algorithms for large scale learning. Séminaire du Dpt de Mathématiques et Physique de l’Univ. de Queensland; Brisbane, Australia; April 2022.
  • The Expectation Maximization algorithm for Federated learning.  Séminaire du groupe GAIA, GiPSA-Lab; Grenoble, France; January 2022.
  • Algorithme Expectation Maximization avec réduction de variance pour l’optimisation de sommes finies. Séminaire Statistique et Optimisation de l’IMT; Toulouse, France; November 2021.
  • A variance reduced Expectation Maximization algorithm for finite-sum optimization. Séminaire INRAE MAiAGE; Jouy-en-Josas, France; September 2021.
  • Optimisation et Méthodes de Monte Carlo : entrelacements.  « Petit Séminaire » de l’équipe Statistique et Optimisation de  l’IMT; Toulouse, France; April 2020.



In collaboration with P. Abry (LP-IXXI, CNRS), B. Pascal  (CRIStAL puis LS2N, CNRS) and N. Pustelnik (LP-IXXI, CNRS).

Here are examples for France; the estimates are based on the daily number of new infections published by Johns Hopkins University (data from Santé Publique France).

top: number of new infections (black), estimated expectation (blue) and outlierless data (red)

middle: maximum a posteriori (blue) and median a posteriori (red)

bottom: 95-% credibility region translated by the median (displayed:  the fluctuations w.r.t. the median)

Beware ! the Bayesian criterion is modified every day.

France: February 2023 January 2023  December 2022  November 2022  October 2022  September 2022   August 2022     July 2022     June 2022     May 2022     April 2022    March 2022     February 2022     January 2022

Serbia: from June 22 2022 to September 1st 2022.


March 2023, France


Mentions Légales