For a more detailed Curriculum Vitae (in french), see here.
Curriculum Vitae (short):
– Since 2020: Member of the Teams Analysis and Probability at IMT.
– 2019: Habilitation à diriger des Recherches (habilitation to lead researches) at IMT.
Curvatures, intertwinings and functional inequalities for some Markov processes, defended on November 29, 2019.
Committee: S. Bobkov (U. Minnesota, USA, referee), P. Caputo (U. Roma Tre, Italy, referee), P. Cattiaux (IMT), G. Fort (IMT), O. Guedon (U. Marne-la-Vallée, referee), F. Malrieu (U. Tours) and S. Roelly (U. Potsdam, Germany, President).
– Since 2007: Maître de Conférences (assistant professor) at INSA Toulouse, Section CNU 26. Member of the Team Probability and Statistics at IMT.
– 2006-2007: Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (research and teaching assistant) at U. Paris Nanterre.
– 2003-2006: PhD Thesis at U. La Rochelle, supervised by N. Privault.
Concentration and fluctuations for stochastic processes with jumps, defended on October 6, 2006.
Committee: P. Graczyk (U. Angers), C. Houdré (Georgia Tech., Atlanta, USA, referee), C. Léonard (U. Paris Nanterre, referee), N. Privault (U. La Rochelle, supervisor), E. Rio (U. Versailles, President) and L. Wu (U. Clermont-Ferrand).
Research interests:
• Around Markov processes: Spectral properties of Markov operators; geometric and functional inequalities: isoperimetry, Poincaré and Sobolev type inequalities, and their stability; geometry of Markov semigroups: curvatures, intertwinings, coupling; optimal transport; geometry of log-concave measures and convex bodies; convergence to equilibrium; concentration of measure phenomenon; MCMC methods; sensitivity analysis in Statictics; Stein’s method.
• Around Lévy type processes: Limit theorems; potential theory for stable type processes; Poisson and Wiener spaces; Malliavin calculus; stochastic orders.
Responsabilités collectives – Main Duties:
– Membre du Conseil de la Politique Doctorale Sciences Technologie Santé de l’Université de Toulouse (2025- ).
– Membre du Conseil Scientifique de l’INSA Toulouse (2024- ).
– Responsable de la 4ème année du département de mathématiques de l’INSA Toulouse (2018- ).
– Membre du Conseil Scientifique et de Prospective de l’IMT (2017-2020).
– Membre de comités de sélection pour les recrutements de maîtres de conférences (Lille en 2015 et 2021, Toulouse en 2016 et 2017).
– Membre de la commission de recrutement du département de Mathématiques de l’INSA Toulouse, chargée de proposer les comités de sélection (2011-2018, 2024- ).
– Membre suppléant du CNU, section 26 (2011-2015).
– Co-responsable du séminaire de Probabilités de l’IMT (2011-2014).
– Membre du conseil de laboratoire de l’IMT (2008-2014).
Supervision of PhD Students and Post-Docs:
– Florian Zorzynski (PhD started in 2024, co-supervised with Lorick Huang). Title (tentative): On Stein’s method for stochastic algorithms.
– David Heredia (PhD started in 2023, co-supervised with Olivier Roustant). Title (tentative): On functional inequalities for global sensitivity analysis.
– Clément Steiner (PhD 2018-2022, co-supervised with Patrick Cattiaux). Title: On the intertwining relations for self-adjoint Markov operators: application to spectral inequalities and to sensitivity analysis.
– Claire Delplancke (PhD 2013-2017, co-supervised with Laurent Miclo). Title: Quantitative methods for the asymptotic behaviour of homogeneous and non-homogeneous Markov processes.
– Bertrand Cloez (Post-Doc 2013-2014). Topics around the Chen-Stein method.
– Solym-Mawaki Manou-Abi (PhD 2012-2016, co-supervised with Patrick Cattiaux). Title: Limit theorems and stochastic orders for stable laws and processes.
• ANR Conviviality. 2023-2028. Principal Investigator: M. Fathi.
• LabEx CIMI Project SENANA: global SENsitivity ANAlysis and Poincaré inequalities. 2021-2024. Principal Investigator: A. Joulin.
• ANR QTraj : Quantum Trajectories. 2021-2025. Principal Investigator: T. Benoist.
• CDFA Potsdam-Toulouse. Stochastic processes and statistical machine learning. 2018-2021. Principal Investigators: P. Cattiaux and S. Roelly.
• ANR MESA : MEthodes de Stein et Analyse. 2018-2021. Principal Investigator: M. Fathi.
• ANR STAB : STABilité du comportement asymptotique d’équations aux dérivées partielles, de processus stochastiques et de leur discrétisations. 2013-2016. Principal Investigators: F. Bolley and I. Gentil.
• ANR GeMeCoD : Géométrie des Mesures Convexes et Discrètes. 2012-2015. Principal Investigator: M. Fradelizi.
• ANR EVOL: Dissipative EVOLutions and convergence to equilibrium. 2009-2011. Principal Investigator: D. Bakry.