





Preprints     Journal  Articles       Conference papers/ Refereed proceeding articles     Unpublised documents/Phd thesis and HdR





  1.  Efficient influence functions for Sobol’ indices under two designs of experiments. 

    Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Thi Mong Ngoc Nguyen, Paul Rochet. Soumis 2024. Lien HAL


  2. A Geostatistical framework to Interpolate Sustainable Aviation Data.

    Rémi Perrichon, Thierry Klein, Xavier Gendre. Soumis 2023. Lien HAL

  3. Deviation results for Mandelbrot’s multiplicative cascades with exponential tails. Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Pierre Petit. Lien HAL Soumis 2023.

  4. New estimation of Sobol’ indices using kernels. Sébastien Da veiga, Fabrice Gamboa, Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Clémentine Prieur  Soumis 2023. ArXiv
  5. Statistical Analysis of Aircraft Trajectories in a Multivariate
    Functional Data Analysis Framework. Rémi Perrichon, Thierry Klein, Xavier Gendre. Soumis 2022.



Articles publiés / Published paper.


  1. FunGp: An R package for Gaussian Process Regression with Scalar and Functional Inputs. . José Bétancourt, François Bachoc, Thierry Klein, Deborah Idier,    Jeremy Rohmer,  >Yves Deville . Journal of Statistical Software 2024<, 109(5), 1–51. 2020. LIEN
  2. Hidden Markov Models and Flight Phase Identification. Rémi Perrichon, Thierry Klein, Xavier Gendre Journal of open Aviation Science 2024. Lien HAL Lien article

  3. Efficiency of the averaged rank-based estimator for first order Sobol index inference. Thierry Klein, Paul Rochet.  Statistics & Probability letters 2024. Volume 207, (  Lien
  4. Testing the Effect of Relative Pollen Productivity on the REVEALS MODEL: A Validated Reconstruction of Europe-Wide Holocene Vegetation. M.A. Serge, F. Mazier, F. Fyfe, M.J. Gaillard, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux, D. Galop, E. Githumbi, M. Mindrescu, A.B. Nielsen, A.-K. Trndman, A. Poska, S. Sugita and J. Woodbridge. Land 2023, 12, 986.
  5. ASRS-CMFS vs RoBERTa: comparing two pre-trained language models to predict anomalies in aviation occurence reports with a low volume of in-domain data available. Samuel Kierszbaum, Thierry KleinLaurent Lapasset. Accepté à Aerospace 2022. Lien HAL
  6. Test comparison for Sobol Indices over nested sets of variables. Thierry Klein, Nicolas Peteilh, Paul Rochet. Accepté SIAM ASA JUQ 2022. Lien HAL
  7. Thermodynamic modelling of the uranium-tellurium system. Estimation of the uncertainties by a Bayesian approach. Christine Gueneau, Eva Lawrence, Fabrice Gamboa, Thierry Klein . Thermo  2022, 2,
    . Lien
  8. Deviation results for sparse tables in hashing with linear probing. Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Pierre Petit. Accepté à PTRF. Lien Hal
  9. A user-oriented local coastal flooding early warning system using
    metamodeling techniques. Déborah Idier, Axel Aurouet, François Bachoc, Audrey Baills, José Betancourt, Fabrice Gamboa, Thierry Klein, Andrés Lopez-Lopera,
    Rodrigo Pedreros, Jérémy Rohmer, Alexandre Thibault
    Accepté à 2021 Journal of Marine Science and Engineering.
  10. Global Sensitivity Analysis: a new generation of mighty estimators based on rank statistics. Fabrice Gamboa, Pierre Gremaud, Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux. Accepté Bernoulli  2021.
  11. Large deviation results for triangular arrays of semiexponential random variables Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Pierre Petit. Accepté à Journal of/Advances in Applied Probability 2021. Lien Hal
  12. Global sensitivity analysis and Wasserstein spaces.  J-C. Fort, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux-Renaudie. Accepté SIAM JUQ 2021. Lien Hal
  13. Sensitivity analysis in general metric spaces. Fabrice Gamboa, Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Leonardo Moreno. Accepté à Reliability Engineering and System Safety 2021. Lien Hal
  14. Maximum Entropy on the mean approach to solve generalized inverse problems with  an application in computational thermodynamics. Fabrice Gamboa, Christine Gueneau, Thierry Klein, Eva Lawrence. Accepté à RAIRO – Operations Research 2021Lien Hal
  15. Probabilistic proofs of large deviation results for sums of semiexponential random variables and explicit rate function at the transition. Fabien Brosset, Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Pierre Petit. Accepté aux Séminaires de Probabilités 2021. Lien Hal
  16. Gaussian process metamodeling of functional-input code for coastal flood hazard assessment. José Bétancourt, François Bachoc, Thierry Klein, Deborah Idier,  Rodrigo Pedreros,  Jeremy Rohmer. Accépté  à Reliability Engineering and System Safety (2020). Lien HAL
  17. Asymptotic properties of the maximum likelihood and cross validation estimators for transformed Gaussian processes. José Betancourt, François Bachoc, Reinhard Furrer, Thierry Klein. Electronic Journal of Statistics Vol. 14, Issue 1 (Jan 2020), pg(s) 1962-2008 .nongaussrf. Lien journal
  18. Predicing a preliminary maximum wind bending moments under discret gust. Christian Bes, Edouard Fournier, Stéphane Grihon, Thierry Klein. Accepté à  AIAA Journal, American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 2019. Lien Hal.Lien Journal
  19. Semi Parametric Estimations of rotating and scaling parameters for aeronautic loads. Edouard Fournier, Stéphane Grihon, Thierry Klein.  Accepté à Statistics 2019. rotation_v1. Lien HAL
  20. A Central Limit Theorem for Wasserstein type distances between two different laws. P. Berthet, J-C. Fort,  T. Klein. Accepté Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques 2019  Lien ARXIV
  21. A conditional Berry-Esseen inequality. Thierry Klein, Agnès Lagnoux, Pierre Petit. Accepté à JAP 2018. berry_esseen_Hal
  22. A case study : Influence of Dimension Reduction on regression trees-based Algorithms – Predicting Aeronautics Loads of a Derivative Aircraft. Edouard Fournier, Stéphane Grihon, Thierry Klein. Acceptés  journal de la SFDS 2018. case_study . Lien HAL
  23. Minimax convergence rate for estimating the Wasserstein barycenter of random measures on the real line. J. Bigot, R. Gouet, T. Klein, A. López.     Accepté à Electronic Journal of Statistics (Janvier 2018).  RatebarycenterW2
  24. Sensitivity analysis based on Cramér von Mises distance. F. Gamboa, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux. Accepté à SIAM JUQ  (Décembre 2017)  Multipick.
  25. Jérémie Bigot et Thierry Klein. Characterization of barycenters in the Wasserstein space by averaging optimal transport maps. Accepté à ESAIM P&S (Novembre 2017).
    Received: 03 March 2016 / Accepted: 05 November 2017
  26.  N. Bousquet, T. Klein, V. Moutoussamy. Approximation of limit state surfaces in monotonic monte carlo settings. Accepté à SIAM JUQ (2017).
  27.  J. Bigot, R. Gouet, T. Klein, A. Lopez. Geodesic PCA in the Wasserstein space.
    Annales de l’Institut Henri Poincaré, Probabilités et Statistiques Volume 53, Number 1 (February 2017), 1-26.
  28.  S. Gadat, T. Klein, C. Marteau.  Classification in general finite dimensional spaces with the $k$-nearest neighbor rule. Annals of Statistics. 44 (2016), no. 3, 982–1009 .
  29.   F. Gamboa, A. Janon, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux-Renaudie, C. Prieur. Statistical inference for Sobol pick freeze Monte Carlo method. Statistics 50 (2016), no. 4, 881–902.

  30.  J.C. Fort, T. Klein, N. Rachdi. New sensitivity analysis subordinated to a contrast.  Comm. Statist. Theory Methods 45 (2016), no. 15, 4349–4364. .
  31.   F. Gamboa, A. Janon, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux-Renaudie Sensitivity analysis for multidimensional and functional outputs. Electronic Journal of Statistics. Volume 8, Number 1 (2014), 575-603.
  32. A. Janon, T. Klein,  A. Lagnoux-Renaudie, M. Nodet,  C. Prieur. Asymptotic normality and efficiency of two Sobol index estimators,  Esaim PS  18 (2014) 342-364.
  33.  F. Gamboa, A. Janon, T.  Klein, A. Lagnoux-Renaudie. Sensitivity indices for multivariate outputs. Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences, Vol. 351,  2013, Pages 307-310
  34.  J-C. Fort, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux-Renaudie, B. Laurent. Estimation of the Sobol indices in a linear functional multidimensional model Jour. of Stat. Plan. and Inference, Vol. 143,  9 (2013),  1590-1605
  35.  J.  Bigot, S.  Gadat, T. Klein, C. Marteau. Intensity estimation of non-homogeneous Poisson processes from shifted trajectories, Electron. J. Statist. Volume 7 (2013), 881-931.
  36.  N. Rachdi, J-C.   Fort, T. Klein. Risk bounds for new M-estimation problems. ESAIM: PS,  17 (2013) 740-766.
  37.  N. Rachdi,   J-C. Fort, T. Klein. Stochastic Inverse Problem with Noisy Simulator. Application to aeronautical model, Annales de la faculté des sciences de Toulouse Sér. 6, 21 no. 3 (2012), p. 593-622.
  38.  F. Gamboa, T. Klein, C. Prieur. Conditional large and moderate deviations for sums of discrete random variables. Combinatoric applications, Bernoulli. Volume 18, Number 4 (2012), 1341-1360.
  39.  T. Klein, Y. Ma, N.   Privault. Convex concentration inequalities and forward-backward stochastic calculus,
    Electronic Journal of Probability, Volume  11, no. 20, (2006), p. 486–512,
  40.  B. Chauvin, T. Klein, J-F. Marckert, A.  Rouault. Martingales and profile of binary search trees, Electronic Journal of Probability, Vol 10 no 12 (2005), p. 420–435
  41. T. Klein, E.  Rio. Concentration around the mean for maxima of empirical processes,
    The Annals of Probability, Vol 33 no 3 (2005), p.1060-1077
  42.   T. Klein.  Une inégalité de concentration à gauche pour les  processus empiriques,
    Comptes Rendus Mathématique. Académie des Sciences. Paris, vol 334,no 6 (2002), p., 501–504.



Conference papers/ Refereed proceeding articles

  1. Changes in plant diversity and vegetation structure based on REVEALS reconstructed vegetation of Europe during the Holocene. C. Röhm, M.A. Serge, R. Fyfe, L. Marquer, A. Lagnoux, T. Klein, D. Galop, F. Mazier.
    INQUA 2023, Jul 2023, Rome, Italy. hal-04228128v1.
  2. Holocene REVEALS pollen-based and-cover reconstructions in Europe exploring dynamics in diversity and resilience gives new insights into recent destabilization and homogenization. M.A. Serge, C. Röhm, R. Fyfe, D. Galop, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux, L. Marquer, F. Mazier.  INQUA 2023, Jul 2023, Rome, Italy.
  3. Pollen-based land-cover change in Europe over the Holocene : exploring the resilience of vegetation communities and species dynmics through time. M.A. Serge, C. Röhm, R. Fyfe, L. Marquer, A. Lagnoux, T. Klein, D. Galop, F. Mazier. SFE2: Ecology and Evolution: new perspectives and social challenges, Nov 2022, Metz, France. hal-04804758.
  4. Holocene REVEALS-based diversity changes across Europe. C. Röhm, M.A. Serge, R. Fyfe, D. Galop, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux, L. Marquer, F. Mazier.  SFE2: Ecology and Evolution: new perspectives and social challenges, Nov 2022, Metz, France. hal-04805102.
  5. R.Perrichon, X.Gendre, T. Klein. A Geometric Approach to Study Aircraft Trajectories: The Benefits of OpenSky Network ADS-B Dataxploring. Engineering Proceedings. 2022; 28(1):6.
  6. A. Asoyan, E. Bondivenne, N; Couellan, S. Humbert, T. Klein. Modèle paramétrique pour estimer la dégradation de la fiabilité de démarrage d’une turbine à gaz à partir de données d’essais. 23ème Congrés Lambda-Mu 23 de maîtrise des risques et de sûreté de fonctionnement, p1-6 (2022).
  7. Samuel Kierszbaum , Laurent Lapasset , Thierry Klein. Exploring use of transformer based models on incident reports in aviation. Accepted short paper at Coria 2021
  8. Go Nam LUI, Thierry Klein, Rhea Liem. Data-Driven Approach for Aircraft Arrival Sequencing Investigation at Terminal Maneuvering Area. Accepted paper at the conference Aviation RENO 2020.
  9. Nicolas Peteilh, Thierry Klein, Thierry Druot, Nathalie Bartoli, Rhea Liem. Challenging Top Level Aircraft Requirements based on operations analysis and data-driven models, application to takeoff performance design requirements.  Accepted paper at AIAA Aviation 2020 FORUM  Article.
  10. D. Idier, A. Aurouet, F. Bachoc, A. Baills, J. Betancourt, J. Durand, R. Mouche, J. Rohmer, F. Gamboa, T. Klein, J. Lambert, G. Le Cozannet, S. Le Roy, J. Louisor, R. Pedreros and A-L Véron
    « Toward a user-based, robust and fast running method for coastal flooding forecast, early warning, and risk prevention« 
    Journal of coastal research, special issue 95, p. 11-15, proceedings from the International Coastal Symposium (ICS) 2020, forthcoming
  11. J.C. Fort, T. Klein. New Fréchet features for random distributions and associated sensitivityindices. Proceedings of the SAMO 2016 Conference, Reunion Island, France, December 2016. paper
  12. J.M. Azaïs,, F. Bachoc, F. Gamboa, T. Klein, A. Lagnoux, J. Nguyen, D. Thomson. Fixed and sequential designs for optimisation of fan shapes. Proceedings of the SAMO 2016 Conference, Reunion Island, France, December 2016. paper
  13. N. Bousquet, E. Chassot, S. Da Veiga, T. Klein, B. Iooss and A. Lagnoux. Sensitivity analysis and the calibration problem of a biodynamic model for Indian Ocean tuna growth. Proceedings of the SAMO 2016 Conference, Reunion Island, France, December 2016paper
  14.  B. Iooss, T. Klein and A. Lagnoux. Sobol’ sensitivity analysis for stochastic numerical codes. Proceedings of the SAMO 2016 Conference, Reunion Island, France, December 2016paper
  15. N. Bousquet, F. Gamboa, B. Iooss, T. Klein and V. Moutoussamy, P. Rochet. Comparing conservative estimations of failure probabilities using sequential designs of experiments in monotone frameworks , 11th International Conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR) 2013.


Habilitation, thèse et Articles non publiés/ Habilitation, Phd Thesis and unpublished Paper


  1. Convex concentration inequalities for nondecreasing processes. T. Klein. Prépublication duLAMA 109. 
  2. Thèse/Phd thesis: Inégalités de concentration, martingales et arbres aléatoires.  
  3. Habilitation à diriger des recherches