
Habilitation à diriger les recherches

Local score distribution to highlight atypical regions inside sequences, december the 3th 2018, Toulouse University. HAL : tel-01944432.

Preprint, travaux soumis, en révision

  1. « localScore »: an R package to highlight optimal and suboptimal segment in a sequence with associated p-values computation, David Robelin, Sébastien Déjean, Sabine Mercier (hal-04723307, submitted)
  2. Exact distribution of excusion height of the Lindley process in a Markov Chain, Carlos Cortès Rojas, Simona Grusea, Sabine Mercier (preprint)
  3. A control chart for rare events based on the geometrical model and the local score statistic, François Bergeret, Sabine Mercier (preprint)
  4. Link between drug exposure over time and risk of neonatal pathologies, Annabelle Beau, Cécile Chouquet, Christine Damase-Michel, Isabelle Lacroix, Sabine Mercier (in redaction)


  1. Statistique industrielle - Systèmes de mesure, estimation, échantillonnage et maîtrise statistique des procédés, Collection Technique et ingénierie, Dunod (janvier 2021), 240 pages, Francois Bergeret (Ippon Innovation), Sabine Mercier. Présentation Dunodhal-04885983.
  2. Maîtrise Statistique des procédés – Principes et cas  industriels, collection Technique et Ingénieurie, DUNOD/Usine Nouvelle (2011), 176 pages, Bergeret F., Mercier S. Présentation Dunodhal-00937280.

Articles parus dans des revues internationales avec comité de lecture

  1. Adjustement of a method to compute trajectory exposure taking into account the periodicity of drug dispensations and the number of dispensed drug packs, Annabelle Beau, Cécile Chouquet, Christine Damase-Michel, David Jeauneau, Isabelle Lacroix, Sabine Mercier, Plos One (février 2025) hal-04735077.
  2. Duality between the local score of one sequence and constrained Hidden Markov Model. Mercier, S. Nuel, G., Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability MCAP, volume 24pages1411–1438 (2022), hal-02179477, DOI
  3. Transferring biological sequence analysis tools to break-point detection for on-line monitoring: a control chart based on the Local Score. Mercier S., Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 36, Issue 7 (2020). Mercier S.,  hal-02558521, DOI
  4. Improvements on the distribution on the distribution of maximal segmental scores in a Markovian sequence, Grusea S. and Mercier S., Journal of Applied Probability, J. Appl. Prob. 57 (2020), no. 1, p. 29-52, hal-01726031, DOI
  5. Testing for univariate Gaussian mixture in practice, Chauveau D., Garel B., Mercier S. Journal de la SFdS  (article en ligne) Vol.160, n°1 (2019) hal-01659771.
  6. Probability density of the local score position, A. Lagnoux, A., Mercier S., Vallois P., Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol.129, Issue 10, October 2019, p. 3664-3689.  hal-01835781
  7. A New Local Score Based Method Applied to Behavior-divergent Quail Lines Sequenced in Pools Precisely Detects Selection Signatures on Genes Related to Autism,
    Fariello  M.-I., Boitard, S.,  Mercier, S. Robelin,  D., Faraut, T., Arnoult, C., Le Bihan-Duval E., Recoquillay J., Salin G., Dehais P., Pitel F., Leterrier C., San Cristobal M.,
    Molecular Ecology, M., Molecular Ecology (July 2017), Volume 26, Issue 14, pp 3700–3714.  hal-01194146, DOI
  8. Statistical significance based on length and position of the local score in a model of i.i.d. sequences, A. Lagnoux, A., Mercier S., Vallois P., Bioinformatic (2017), 33 (5): 654-660. hal-01301246
  9. Probability that the maximum of the reflected Brownian motion over a finite interval [0; t] is achieved by its last zero before t,
    Lagoux A., Mercier S., Vallois,P.,
    Electron. Commun. Probab. (2015), Vol. 20, no. 62, 1–9. ARXIV : 1505.03274, hal-01214773
  10. Element related to the largest complete excursion of a reflected BM stopped at a fixed time. Application to local score.
    Chabriac C., Lagnoux A., Mercier S., Vallois P.
    Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 124, Issue 12 (2014), pp 4202-4223. hal-00857402
  11. h-tuple Approach to Evaluate Statistical Significance of Biological Sequence Comparison with Gaps,
    Fayyaz A., Mercier S., Ferré L., Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology (2007), Vol. 6 : Iss. 1, Article 22. hal-00937485v1
  12. Exact Distribution of the Local Score for Markovian Sequences,
    Hassenforder C., Mercier S., AISM (2007), Vol. 59, N. 4, p: 741-755. hal-00937542, DOI
  13. An improved approximation for assessing the statistical significance of molecular sequence features,
    Cellier D., Charlot, F. et Mercier, S.,
    Jour. Appl. Prob. (juin 2003), Vol. 40, 427-441. hal-00937529v1
  14. Back to the local score in the logarithmic case : a direct and simple proof,
    J.-N. Bacro, J.-J. Daudin, Mercier S., S. Robin,
    AISM (2002), Vol. 54, N°4, p : 748-757. hal-00937519v1
  15. Exact distribution for the local score of one i.i.d. random sequence,
    Mercier S., J.-J. Daudin,
    Jour. Comp. Biol (2001), Vol.8(4), p : 373-380.  hal-00714174v1, DOI
  16. Exact and asymptotic distribution of the local score of one i.i.d. random sequence,
    Mercier S., Cellier D., Charlot F., Daudin J.-J.,
    LNCS JOBIM 2000 (2000), Vol.2066, p : 74-83.

Notes aux Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences

  1. New approximate P-value of gapped local sequence alignments,
    Fayyaz A., Mercier S., Ferré L., Hassenforder C.,
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (2007), Vol 346/1-2 pp 87-92. hal-00937496v1
  2. Distribution exacte du score local, cas Markovien,
    Hassenforder, C. et Mercier, S.,
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (2003), Volume 336, Issue 10, p: 863-868. hal-00717186v1
  3. Distribution exacte du score local d’une suite de variables indépendantes et identiquement distribuées,
    J.-J. Daudin, S. Mercier,
    C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (1999), t. 329, série I, 815-820.

Statistiques des scores pour l’analyse et la comparaison de séquences biologiques. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Rouen, Mathématiques, Probabilités et Statistiques, décembre 1999.