Habilitation à diriger les recherches
Local score distribution to highlight atypical regions inside sequences, december the 3th 2018, Toulouse University. HAL : tel-01944432.
Preprint, travaux soumis, en révision
- « localScore »: an R package to highlight optimal and suboptimal segment in a sequence with associated p-values computation, David Robelin, Sébastien Déjean, Sabine Mercier (hal-04723307, submitted)
- Exact distribution of excusion height of the Lindley process in a Markov Chain, Carlos Cortès Rojas, Simona Grusea, Sabine Mercier (preprint)
- A control chart for rare events based on the geometrical model and the local score statistic, François Bergeret, Sabine Mercier (preprint)
- Link between drug exposure over time and risk of neonatal pathologies, Annabelle Beau, Cécile Chouquet, Christine Damase-Michel, Isabelle Lacroix, Sabine Mercier (in redaction)
- Statistique industrielle - Systèmes de mesure, estimation, échantillonnage et maîtrise statistique des procédés, Collection Technique et ingénierie, Dunod (janvier 2021), 240 pages, Francois Bergeret (Ippon Innovation), Sabine Mercier. Présentation Dunod, hal-04885983.
- Maîtrise Statistique des procédés – Principes et cas industriels, collection Technique et Ingénieurie, DUNOD/Usine Nouvelle (2011), 176 pages, Bergeret F., Mercier S. Présentation Dunod, hal-00937280.
Articles parus dans des revues internationales avec comité de lecture
- Adjustement of a method to compute trajectory exposure taking into account the periodicity of drug dispensations and the number of dispensed drug packs, Annabelle Beau, Cécile Chouquet, Christine Damase-Michel, David Jeauneau, Isabelle Lacroix, Sabine Mercier, Plos One (février 2025) hal-04735077.
- Duality between the local score of one sequence and constrained Hidden Markov Model. Mercier, S. Nuel, G., Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability MCAP, volume 24, pages1411–1438 (2022), hal-02179477, DOI
- Transferring biological sequence analysis tools to break-point detection for on-line monitoring: a control chart based on the Local Score. Mercier S., Quality and Reliability Engineering International. Vol. 36, Issue 7 (2020). Mercier S., hal-02558521, DOI
- Improvements on the distribution on the distribution of maximal segmental scores in a Markovian sequence, Grusea S. and Mercier S., Journal of Applied Probability, J. Appl. Prob. 57 (2020), no. 1, p. 29-52, hal-01726031, DOI
- Testing for univariate Gaussian mixture in practice, Chauveau D., Garel B., Mercier S. Journal de la SFdS (article en ligne) Vol.160, n°1 (2019) hal-01659771.
- Probability density of the local score position, A. Lagnoux, A., Mercier S., Vallois P., Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol.129, Issue 10, October 2019, p. 3664-3689. hal-01835781
- A New Local Score Based Method Applied to Behavior-divergent Quail Lines Sequenced in Pools Precisely Detects Selection Signatures on Genes Related to Autism,
Fariello M.-I., Boitard, S., Mercier, S. Robelin, D., Faraut, T., Arnoult, C., Le Bihan-Duval E., Recoquillay J., Salin G., Dehais P., Pitel F., Leterrier C., San Cristobal M.,
Molecular Ecology, M., Molecular Ecology (July 2017), Volume 26, Issue 14, pp 3700–3714. hal-01194146, DOI - Statistical significance based on length and position of the local score in a model of i.i.d. sequences, A. Lagnoux, A., Mercier S., Vallois P., Bioinformatic (2017), 33 (5): 654-660. hal-01301246
- Probability that the maximum of the reflected Brownian motion over a finite interval [0; t] is achieved by its last zero before t,
Lagoux A., Mercier S., Vallois,P.,
Electron. Commun. Probab. (2015), Vol. 20, no. 62, 19. ARXIV : 1505.03274, hal-01214773 - Element related to the largest complete excursion of a reflected BM stopped at a fixed time. Application to local score.
Chabriac C., Lagnoux A., Mercier S., Vallois P.
Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Vol. 124, Issue 12 (2014), pp 4202-4223. hal-00857402 - h-tuple Approach to Evaluate Statistical Significance of Biological Sequence Comparison with Gaps,
Fayyaz A., Mercier S., Ferré L., Statistical Applications in Genetics and Molecular Biology (2007), Vol. 6 : Iss. 1, Article 22. hal-00937485v1 - Exact Distribution of the Local Score for Markovian Sequences,
Hassenforder C., Mercier S., AISM (2007), Vol. 59, N. 4, p: 741-755. hal-00937542, DOI - An improved approximation for assessing the statistical significance of molecular sequence features,
Cellier D., Charlot, F. et Mercier, S.,
Jour. Appl. Prob. (juin 2003), Vol. 40, 427-441. hal-00937529v1 - Back to the local score in the logarithmic case : a direct and simple proof,
J.-N. Bacro, J.-J. Daudin, Mercier S., S. Robin,
AISM (2002), Vol. 54, N°4, p : 748-757. hal-00937519v1 - Exact distribution for the local score of one i.i.d. random sequence,
Mercier S., J.-J. Daudin,
Jour. Comp. Biol (2001), Vol.8(4), p : 373-380. hal-00714174v1, DOI - Exact and asymptotic distribution of the local score of one i.i.d. random sequence,
Mercier S., Cellier D., Charlot F., Daudin J.-J.,
LNCS JOBIM 2000 (2000), Vol.2066, p : 74-83.
Notes aux Comptes-Rendus de l’Académie des Sciences
- New approximate P-value of gapped local sequence alignments,
Fayyaz A., Mercier S., Ferré L., Hassenforder C.,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (2007), Vol 346/1-2 pp 87-92. hal-00937496v1 - Distribution exacte du score local, cas Markovien,
Hassenforder, C. et Mercier, S.,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (2003), Volume 336, Issue 10, p: 863-868. hal-00717186v1 - Distribution exacte du score local d’une suite de variables indépendantes et identiquement distribuées,
J.-J. Daudin, S. Mercier,
C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris (1999), t. 329, série I, 815-820.
Statistiques des scores pour l’analyse et la comparaison de séquences biologiques. Thèse de doctorat, Université de Rouen, Mathématiques, Probabilités et Statistiques, décembre 1999.