Arrow plot

For an (s)PLS analysis (mode =’canonical’), the s.match() function displays the samples from both data sets in a superimposed manner. To each arrow corresponds one sample.  The start of the arrow indicates the location of the sample iX in one plot, and the tip the location of the sample in Y in the other plot. Short arrows indicate if both data sets strongly agree and long arrows a disagreement between the two data sets. the latent variables (or ‘variates’) are given as an input from a (s)pls object.

Usage in mixOmics

X <- liver.toxicity$gene;
Y <- liver.toxicity$clinic;
result <- spls(X, Y, mode = "canonical", ncomp = 3,
                  keepX = c(50,50,50), keepY = c(10,10,10));
colour <- as.numeric(liver.toxicity$treatment[,2]);
labels <- liver.toxicity$treatment[,1]
s.match(result$variates$X[, c(1,2)],
        result$variates$Y[, c(1,2)],
        clabel = 0.5,
        label = labels,
        col = colour);