sPLS:Liver Toxicity

Samples representation

## Let define the color according to the time of necropsy
col.toxicity = liver.toxicity$treatment[, 4]
col.toxicity[col.toxicity == 6] <- 'blue'
col.toxicity[col.toxicity == 18] <- 'green'
col.toxicity[col.toxicity == 24] <- 'orange'
col.toxicity[col.toxicity == 48] <- 'brown'

plotIndiv(result, comp = 1:2, ind.names = liver.toxicity$treatment[, 3],
          col = col.toxicity)

## Add a legend
legend(0.2, 0.4, c("6h", "18h", "24h", "48h"), col = unique(col.toxicity), pch = 16,
       pt.cex = 1, title = "Time of Necropsies")

It is clear that the time of necropsy has a bigger effect than the doses the rats undergo.

We can also display this graphical output in 3D:

pch <- rep(c("c", "s", "t", "o"), c(16, 16, 16, 16))
plot3dIndiv(result, ind.names = F, axes.box = "both", col = col, pch = pch, cex = 0.5)

Next: Variables representation