International Peer Reviewed Journal
- Quantum Trajectories. Spectral Gap, Quasi-compactness & Limit Theorems (with T. benoist and A. Hautecoeur)
- Quantum Trajectory of the One Atom Maser, (with T. Benoist and L. Bruneau) (2024) arXiv:2403.20094 Minor revision to Probability and Mathematical Physics
- Exponential Selection and Feedback Stabilization of Invariant Subspaces of Quantum Trajectories (with N. Amini and M. Bompais) SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization Vol 62 Iss 5 (2024)
- Algebra of nonlocal boxes and the Collapse of communication complexity, (with P. Botteron, A. Broadbent, R. Chhaibi, I. Nechita) Quantum 8, 1402 (2024)
- Limit theorems for Quantum Trajectories (with T. Benoist and J.L. Fatras) Stoch. Process. Their Appl. 164 (2023) 288 – 310
- The Asymmetric Quantum Cloning Region (With I. Nechita and D. Rochette) Letters in Mathematical Physics 113, 74 (2023).
- Spiking and collapsing in large noise limits of SDEs (With C. Bernardin, R. Chetrite, R. Chhaibi, J. Najnudel) Ann. Appl. Probab. 33(1): 417-446 (February 2023)
- A geometrical description of the universal $1 \to 2$ asymmetric quantum cloning region (With I. Nechita and D. Rochette) Quantum Information processing (2021) Article number: 333 (2021) 54 385304.
- On Asymptotic Stability of Quantum Trajectories and Their Cesaro Mean (With N. Amini and M. Bompais) 2021 J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. 54 385304.
- Emergence of Quantum Jumps via Homogenization (With T. Benoist, C. Bernardin, R. Chetrite, Reda Chhaibi, J. Najnudel) Communications in Mathematical Physics 387, pages 1821–1867 (2021).
- Classical Noises Emerging from Quantum Environments (with S.Attal and J. Deschamps) Séminaire de Probabilités. January 2022 Vol 2301.
- Invariant Measure for Stochastic Master Equations (with T. Benoist, M. Fraas and Y. Pautrat) Annales Henri Poincaré volume 22, pages347–374(2021).
- Recurrence and Transience for Continuous Time Open Quantum Walks (with I. Bardet, H. Bringuier and Y. Pautrat) Séminaire de Probabilités L. Lecture Notes in Mathematics, vol 2252. Springer, Cham. (November 2019).
- Invariant Measure for Quantum Trajectories (with T. Benoist, M. Fraas and Y. Pautrat) Probability Theory and Related Fields June 2019, Volume 174, Issue 1–2, pp 307–334.
- Quantum Non-demolitions Measurements: Parameter Estimation for Mixtures of Multinomials (with T. Benoist and F. Gamboa) Electronic Journal of Statistics Volume 12, Number 1 (2018), 555-57.
- Exponential Stability of Subspaces for Quantum Stochastic Master Equations (with T. Benoist and F. Ticozzi) Annales Henri Poincaré June 2017, Volume 18, Issue 6, pp 2045–2074.
- On some classes of bipartite unitary operators (with J.Deschamps and I.Nechita) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 49, Number 33 (July 2016).
- Complex Obtuse Random Walks and their Continuous-Time Limit (with S. Attal and J.Deschamps) Probability Theory and Related Fields, June 2016, Volume 165, Issue 1, pp 65–116.
- Stability of continuous-time quantum filters with measurement imperfections (with H. Amini and P. Rouchon) Russian Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol 21 pp 297-315 (in Honour of S. Belavkin).
- A universal set of qubit quantum channels (with D. Braun, O.Giraud, I. Nechita and M. Znidaric) Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical, Volume 47, Number 13 (March 2014).
- Continuous Time Open Quantum Random Walks and Non-Markovian Lindblad Master Equations. J. Stat. Phys Vol 154 pp 838-865 (2014).
- Entanglement of Bipartite Quantum Systems via Repeated Interactions (with S. Attal and J. Deschamps) J. Stat. Phys Vol 154 pp 819-837.
- Large Time Behavior and Convergence Rate for Quantum Filters under Standard Non Demolition Conditions (with T. benoist) Comm. Mathematical. Physics. Vol 331 pp703-723.
- Large Deviation Principle for invariant distributions of Memory Gradient Diffusions (avec S. Gadat, F.Panloup) – Electron. Journal. Probab. 18 (2013) no. 81 1—34.
- Random pure quantum states via unitary Brownian motion (with I. Nechita) – Electron. Commun. Probab. 18 (2013), no. 27, 1–13.
- Quantum trajectories: Memory and continuous observation (with A.Barchielli et F. Petruccione) Phys. Rev A 86, 063814 (2012).
- Random repeated quantum interactions and random invariant states (with I Nechita) Probability Theory and Related Fields. (2012), Volume 152, pp 299-320.
- Stochastic Master Equations for a Heat Bath (avec S.Attal). Open Syst. Inf. Dyn. 17, 389 (2010).
- Jump-Diffusion Unravelling of non-Markovian Generalized Master Equations (avec A.Barchielli). Journal of Mathematical Physics 51, 112104 (2010).
- Stochastic Schrödinger Equations with Coloured Noise (avec A.Barchielli et F. Petruccione). European Physic Letter (2010) EPL 91 24001.
- Existence, Uniqueness and Approximation of the jump-type Stochastic Schrödinger Equation for two-level systems. Stochastic Process and their Applications, 2010 vol 120 No 9, 1722-1747.
- Markov Chain Approximations of Jump-Diffusion Stochastic Master Equations. Annales de l’institut Henri Poincaré: Probabilités et Statistiques, Volume 46, Number 4 (2010), 924-948.
- Diffusion Approximation of Stochastic Master Equations with Jumps (avec F.Petruccione). J. Math. Phys. (2009) vol. 50, issue 12, p.122101.
- Quantum Trajectories in Random Environment: the Statistical Model for a Heat Bath (avec I. Nechita). Confluentes Mathematici, (2009) Vol. 1 No. 2, 249-289.
- Non Markovian quantum repeated interactions (avec F.Petruccione). J. Phys. A: Math. Theor. (2009) Vol 42 No 42.
- Poisson and diffusion approximation of stochastic Schrodinger equations with control. Annales Henri Poincaré Physique Théorique (2009) Vol 10 995-1025
- Existence, uniqueness and approximation of a stochastic Schrödinger equation: the Diffusive case. The Annals of Probability (2008), Vol. 36, No. 6, 2332-2353.
Journal conference with peer review
- Learning Heuristics for Combinatorial Optimization Problems on K-Partite Hypergraphs (with M.Zouitine, A. Berjaoui, A. Lagnoux, E. Rachelson) CPAIOR (2024)
- Parameter Estimation for Quantum Trajectories: Convergence Result (With N. Amini and M. Bompais) IEEE Decision and Control CDC 2022.
- Stochastic Schrodinger equations with memory. (avec A. Barchielli, P. Di Tella et F. Petruccione) proceedings of the conference Quantum probability in Chile 2009.