Dissemination of scientific culture
2021-… : Director of the scientific committee of the GDR ‘Statistique et Santé’
2019-… : Member of the scientific committee of the GDR ‘Statistique et Santé’
2020-… : Expert for the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé)
2013-2016 : Expert for ANSM (Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament), working group on pulmonology drugs
2009-… : Elected member to the office of the ‘Biopharmacie et Santé‘ group of the ‘Société Française de Statistique’
Epidemiology research projects
2015-… : Collaboration with Team 5 of UMR INSERM 1027 (Nadège Costa) on Health economics
2015-… : Collaboration with Team 1 of UMR INSERM 1027 (Sandrine Andrieu) on Alzheimer desease
2014-… : Collaboration with Institut Pasteur, Dakar (Aissatou Toure) and Univ. Saint-Louis (Abdou Diongue) on Malaria
2013-2014 : Collaboration with INSERM UMRS 938 (Guillaume Dorothé) on Alzheimer desease
2011-2015 : Collaboration with Hôpital Pitié-Salpêtrière (Bruno Dubois) on Alzheimer desease
2010-… : Collaboration with Hôpital Trousseau (Jocelyne Just) on asthma and allergy on young children
2009-2012 : Collaboration with Hôpital Saint-Antoine (Karine Lacombe) on HIV
2002-2006 : Collaboration with CHU Montpellier (Philippe Godard) on severe asthma