English Version


Full professor at the Département de mathématique de l’Université Paul Sabatier


Member of  Mathematical Institute of Toulouse (team Statistic and Probability)

Mail : coutin »at »math »dot »univ-toulouse.fr

Office: 214  bâtiment 1R1 2ème étage
Phone: + (33(0)05 6155 86 59
Fax: +33 (0)5 61 55 75 99

Postal adress :
Institut Mathématique de Toulouse
Université Paul Sabatier
118, Route de Narbonne



Member of  the head of GDR TRAG http://gdr-trag.math.cnrs.fr/

Member of  ANR MESA http://perso.math.univ-toulouse.fr/anr-mesa/


Member  of ANR EDDA https://sites.google.com/view/project-edda/project-edda

Executif  Comity of  Labex CIMI https://www.cimi.univ-toulouse.fr/fr/


Scientific interests

My scientific interests are

-study of the law of supremum of Gaussian, Lévy or diffusion   processes

– rough paths theory ( sewing lemma, uniqness of solution of ill posed differential equations, differential inclusions)

– Stein method in infinite dimension and its applications

see the list of publications




Short Curriculum Vitae

2009-     Full Professor  University Toulouse 3 University

2006-2009 Full Professor at   Paris 5 University


1994- 2006 Maître de conférences at Toulouse 3 University



1987-1991 Ecole Normale Supérieure de Cachan

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