Ph.D. students



Eyal Castiel: Etude du protocole d’accès CSMA-QB [Study of the CSMA-QB access protocol], co-advisor: Florian Simatos.
Eyal Castiel is Post-Doc Researcher at the Technion Institute (Israël).

Sylvain Gibaud: Systèmes de particules avec interactions de type jeux
[Particle systems with game type interactions], co-advisors: Jérôme Renault and Xavier Bressaud.
Sylvain Gibaud is High-School Professor at Lycée Newton Enrea.

Guillaume Copros: Temps forts de stationnarité sur des graphes continus
[Strong stationary times on continuous graphs].
Guillaume Copros is Temporary Research and Teaching Attaché at University Bretagne Sud.

Ioana Gavra: Algorithmes stochastiques de recherches de moyennes structurelles sur les graphes
[Stochastic algorithms finding structural means on graphs], co-advisor: Sébastien Gadat.
Ioana Gavra is Associate Professor at Université Rennes 2.

Claire Delplancke: Comportements en temps long d’algorithmes stochastiques, commutations de semi-groupes et méthode de Stein
[Large time behavior of stochastic algorithms, semi-group commutations and Stein method], co-advisor: Aldéric Joulin.
Claire Delplancke is Research Associate at the Department of Mathematical Sciences of the University of Bath, United Kingdom.

Pierre Monmarché: Hypocoercivité : approches alternatives et applications aux algorithmes stochastiques
[Hypocoercivity: alternative approches and applications to stochastic algorithms].
This PHD work has been awarded the Prix de la Recherche Universitaire 2015 by Le Monde :
Présentation du Prix de la Recherche Universitaire Le Monde, Lauréats 2015.
Pierre Monmarché is Associate Professor at Sorbonne Université.

Mathias Rousset: Méthodes population Monte-Carlo en temps continu pour la physique numérique
[continuous time Monte-Carlo population methods for numerical physics], co-advisor: Pierre Del Moral.
Mathias Rousset is Junior Researcher at INRIA Rennes – Bretagne Atlantique.

Cyril Roberto: Inégalités de Hardy et de Sobolev logarithmiques
[Hardy’s and logarithmic Sobolev’s inequalities], co-advisor: Michel Ledoux.
Cyril Roberto is Full Professor at Université Paris Ouest.


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