Toulouse tutorial 6-7 Oct 2014: Details

Training aims

The objective of this tutorial is to introduce the fundamental concepts behind projection-based approaches and illustrate their application on some exemplar studies using the R package mixOmics.  In this tutorial, we will focus on the application of these approaches to medium and high throughput biological data (transcriptomics, metabolomics, proteomics data) using PCA, CCA, PLS, PLS-DA and the variants that the mixOmics team and collaborators have developed.

Training program*

  1. Key methodologies in mixOmics and their variants
    1. Principal Component Analysis: PCA, sparse PCA, NIPALS
    2. Canonical Correlation Analysis: CCA, regularized CCA
    3. Partial Least Squares regression: PLS, sparse PLS
    4. Partial Least Squares Discriminant Analysis: PLS-DA, sparse PLS-DA
    5. Recent developments in mixOmics, including multilevel PLS for repeated measurements and introduction to the integration of multiple data sets
  2. Review on the graphical outputs implemented in mixOmics
    1. Sample plots
    2. Correlation circles
    3. Integrating two data sets: relevance networks and clustered image map
  3. Case studies and applications
    1. Example with PCA: Nutrimouse
    2. Example with CCA: Multidrug
    3. Example with PLS: Liver toxicity
    4. Example with PLS-DA: SRBCT study

* The methodologies will be presented throughout the two days training session. Each methodology will be illustrated on a case study (we will alternate theory and application).

Course material will be available in a hard printed copy and online.

Other information

Details for registration are provided here.

The session will take place in the formation room of the INRA center of Toulouse-Auzeville.

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