Toulouse tutorial 6-7 Oct 2014 – Registration

Training fees

For INRA staff: this training session is not supported by INRA professional training, therefore, you do not have to provide an individual request training. An attendance certificate will be delivered at the end of the training session. For non-INRA staff: INRA has no training agreement. Fees for the 2-day tutorial:

  • for INRA staff: 150€  (no taxes)
  • for academic staff but non-INRA: 150€ + 20% taxes (TVA)
  • for non-academic: 500€ + 20% taxes (TVA)

Registration includes:

  • access to our facilities and to a workstation if requested (we encourage the participants to bring their own laptops to perform their analyses),
  • online course material that will be available on this website,
  • hard copy of the course material and answers to exercises/ case studies will provided during the training session.
  • morning and afternoon coffee breaks and lunch.

All registration has to be confirmed upon receipt of a purchase order addressed to: INRA-MIAT-PF BIOINFORMATIQUE Chemin de Borde Rouge CS 52627 – Auzeville 31326 Castanet Tolosan France or secretariat-miat(at)


By cheque: with a copy of your registration confirmation with the training session name. The cheque should be written to ACS INRA and adressed to: INRA-BIA – chemin de borde rouge – Auzeville – CS 52627 – 31326 Castanet Tolosan cedex – France By purchase order:

  • domiciliation: TP Toulouse
  • bank code: 10071
  • counter code: 31000
  • bank account number: 00001002650  – key : 96
  • bank postal address: INRA TOULOUSE AC SECONDAIRE – Chemin de BORDE ROUGE – CS 52627 – 31326 CASTANET TOLOSAN CEDEX
  • IBAN: FR76 1007 1310 0000 0010 0265 096

Registration cancellation policy: If your circumstances change and you are unable to attend the training session, you must contact secretariat-miat(at) by no later than 8 days prior to the commencement of the training session. Should you cancel less than 8 days prior to the commencement of the trianing session, no refund will be payable.

Other information

N° SIRET INRA Toulouse: 18007003901134 APE code: 731 Z

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