
Archives pour 28/02/2011

Articles publiés

28/02/2011 Comments off

58. J.-P. DEDIEU, M. MALAJOVICH, M. SHUB, Adaptive Step Size Selection for Homotopy Methods to Solve Polynomial Equations. To appear in: IMA J. Num. Anal.

57. P. BOITO, J.-P. DEDIEU, The Condition Metric in the Space of Rectangular Full Rank Matrices. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. 31:5 (2010), 2580-2602

56. J.-P. DEDIEU, Complexité des méthodes homotopiques pour la résolution des systèmes polynomiaux. Les cours du CIRM. Tome 1, numéro 2 (2010) 263-280.

55. C. BELTRAN, J.-P. DEDIEU, M. MALAJOVICH, M. SHUB, Convexity properties of the condition number. SIAM J. Matrix Anal. 31, 1491-1506 (2010).

54. D. ARMENTANO, J.-P. DEDIEU, A note about the average number of real roots of a Bernstein polynomial system. Journal of Complexity, 25 (2009) 339-342.

53. C. LI, J.-H.WANG, J.-P. DEDIEU, Newton’s Method on Lie Groups : Smale’s Point Estimatie Theory under the gamma-Condition. Journal of Complexity, 25 (2009) 128-151.

52. J.-P. DEDIEU, G. MALAJOVICH, On the Number of Minima of a Random Polynomial. Journal of Complexity, 24 (2008) 89-108.

51. J.-P. DEDIEU, D. NOWICKI, Symplectic Methods for the Approximation of the Exponential Map and the Newton Sequence on Riemannian Submanifolds. Journal of Complexity, 21 (2005) 487-501.

50. J.-P. DEDIEU, M. SHUB, Newton Flow and Interior Point Methods in Linear Programming. International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 15 (2005) 827- 839.

49. J.-P. DEDIEU, G. MALAJOVICH, M. SHUB, On the Curvature of the Central Path of Linear Programming Theory. FoCM 5 (2005) 145-171.

48. J.-P. DEDIEU, G. MALAJOVICH, P. PRIOURET, Newton Method on Riemannian Manifolds: Covariant Alpha-Theory. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, 23 (2003) 395-419.

47. J.-P. DEDIEU, M.-H. KIM, M. SHUB, F. TISSEUR, Implicit Gamma Theorems (I): Pseudoroots and Pseudosprectra. FoCM, 3 (2003) 1-31.

46. J.-P. DEDIEU, F. TISSEUR, Perturbation Theory for Homogeneous Polynomial Eigenvalue Problems. Linear Algebra and its Applications. 358 (2003) 71-94.

45. J.-P. DEDIEU, Systems of Inequalities and the Stability of Decision Machines. Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Proceedings of the Smalefest 2000, World Scienti c. F. Cucker, J.M. Rojas (Eds.), 2002, 85-91.

44. J.-P. DEDIEU, M. SHUB, On Random and Mean Exponents for Unitarily Invariant Probability Measures on GLn(C). Astérisque, 287 (2003) 1-18.

43. R. ADLER, J.-P. DEDIEU, M. MARTENS, M. SHUB, Newton’s Method on Riemannian Manifolds with an Application to a Human Spine Model. IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis. 22 (2002) 1-32.

42. F. CUCKER, J.-P. DEDIEU, Decision Problems and Round-O Machines. Theory of Computer Systems, 34 (2001) 433-452.

41. J.-P. DEDIEU, Newton’s method and some complexity aspects of the zero finding problem. Proceedings of the FoCM Conference, « Oxford, 1999″. Cambridge University Press. 2001.

40. J.-P. DEDIEU, Approximate Solutions for Analytic Inequality Systems. SIAM Opt. 11 (2000) 411- 425.

39. J.-P. DEDIEU, M.-H. KIM, Newton’s Method for Analytic Systems of Equations with Constant Rank Derivatives. Journal of Complexity. 18 (2002) 187-209.

38. J.-P. DEDIEU, M. SHUB, On Simple Double Zeros and Badly Conditioned Zeros of Analytic Functions of n Variables. Mathematics of Computation, 70 (2001) 319-327.

37. J.-P. DEDIEU, S. SMALE, Some Lower Bounds for the Complexity of Continuation Methods. Journal of Complexity, 14 (1998) 454-465.

36. J.-P. DEDIEU, M. SHUB, Newton’s Method for Overdetermined Systems of Equations. Mathematics of Computation, 69 (2000) 1099-1115.

35. J.-P. DEDIEU, M. SHUB, Multihomogeneous Newton Method. Mathematics of Computation, 69 (2000) 1071-1098.

34. M.-C. DARRACQ, J.-P. DEDIEU Backward Error Analysis for the Linear Programming Problem. Optimization, 51 (2002) 1-10.

33. J.-P. DEDIEU, Does optimality imply ill-posedness ? A general degeneration principle for certain min-max optimization problems. Optimization, 48 (2000) 211-217.

32. J.-P. DEDIEU, Condition number analysis for sparse polynomial systems. In: Fondations of Computational Mathematics, F. Cucker, M. Shub editors, Springer 1997, 75-101.

31. J.-P. DEDIEU, X. GOURDON, J.-C. YAKOUBSOHN, Computing the Distance from a Point to an Algebraic Variety. In : The Mathematics of Numerical Analysis, J. Renegar, M. Shub, S. Smale editors, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 23, American Mathematical Society, 1996.

30. J.-P. DEDIEU, Approximate Solutions of Numerical Problems, Condition Number Analysis and Condition Number Theorems. In : The Mathematics of Numerical Analysis, J. Renegar, M. Shub, S. Smale editors, Lectures in Applied Mathematics, Vol. 23, American Mathematical Society, 1996.

29. J.-P. DEDIEU, Condition operators, condition numbers and condition number theorem for the generalized eigenvalue problem. Linear Algebra and its Applications, 263 (1997) 1-24.

28. J.-P. DEDIEU, J.-C. YAKOUBSOHN, Racines des polynômes et courbes implicites planes. Images des mathématiques. CNRS, Paris, 1994.

27. J.-P. DEDIEU, Estimations for the separation number of a polynomial system. Journal of Symbolic Computation, 21 (1997) 1-11.

26. J.-P. DEDIEU, Third and fourth order optimality condition in optimization. Optimization. 33 (1995) 97-104.

25. J.-P. DEDIEU, C. FAVARDIN, Algorithms for ordering unorganized points along parametrized curves. Numerical Algorithms, 6 (1994) 169-200.

24. J.-P. DEDIEU, Chebishev et les robots. PROLEGOMENES, Numéro 2, 1993.

23. J.-P. DEDIEU, The construction of symmetric matrices with prescribed characteristic polynomial. Journal de l’AFA (Association Francaise d’Approximation) Numéro 3, 1992.

22. J.-P. DEDIEU, A. PIETRUS, Résolution des systèmes triangulaires d’équations algébriques par la méthode SYM-NEW. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 316 (1993) 499-502.

21. J.-P. DEDIEU, J.-C. YAKOUBSOHN, Computing the real roots of a polynomial by the exclusion algorithm. Numerical Algorithms, 4 (1993) 1-24.

20. J.-P. DEDIEU, Penalty functions in subanalytic optimization. Optimization, 26 (1992) 27-32.

19. J.-P. DEDIEU, R. J. GREGORAC Corrigendum: \Obreschko ’s theorem revisited: what convex sets are contained in the set of hyperbolic polynomials? » J. Pure Appl. Algebra 93 (1994) 111-112.

18. J.-P. DEDIEU, Obreschko theorem revisited : what convex sets are contained in the set of hyperbolic polynomials. Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra, 81 (1992) 269-278.

17. A. BELLIDO, J.-P. DEDIEU, J.-C. YAKOUBSOHN, Combien existe-t-il d’octaèdres dont les longueurs des arêtes sont données ? Annali Dell’ Universita Di Ferrara, Vol. 37 (1991) 65-83.

16. J.-P. DEDIEU, J.-C. YAKOUBSOHN, Localization of an algebraic hypersurface by the exclusion algorithm. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing (AAECC), 2 (1992) 239-256.

15. J.-P. DEDIEU, On the convergence problem in interpolation theory : pointwise and uniform convergence to continuous or discontinuous functions. Rev. Mat. Apl. 13 (1992) 9-22.

14. J.-P. DEDIEU. and C. FAVARDIN, How to draw a curve using geometric data. In : Curves and surfaces, P. J. Laurent, A. Le Méhauté, L. L. Schumaker editors, Academic Press Inc. 1991.

13. J.-P. DEDIEU Combien peu de polynômes ont toutes leurs racines réelles ? Comptes rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. 313 (1991) 87-90.

12. J.-P. DEDIEU, J.-C. YAKOUBSOHN, Localisation d’une variété algébrique réelle par l’algorithme d’exclusion, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, 312 (1991) 1013-1016.

11. J.-P. DEDIEU, G.H. NORTON, Stewart varieties : a direct algebraic model for Stewart platform. SIGSAM Bulletin. Vol.24, no.4, 1990, pages 42-59.

10. J.-P. DEDIEU, L’image de la limite supérieure d’une famille d’ensembles est elle égale à la limite supérieure de la famille des images ? Ann. Fac. Sci. Toulouse. 11 (1990) 91-103.

9. J.-P. DEDIEU, A propos de la méthode de Dandelin-Graeff e. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. 309 (1989) 1019-1022.

8. J.-P. DEDIEU, M.-F. ROY, Factorisation équimodulaire des polynômes à coeffcients réels et calcul formel. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. 309 (1989) 519-522.

7. J.-P. DEDIEU, Matrix homographic iterations and bounds for the inverses of certain band matrices. Lin. Alg. Appl. 111 (1988) 29-42.

6. J.-P. DEDIEU, The convergence of quintic spline interpolation. Approx. Theory & its Appl. 4 (1988) 79-95.

5. J.-P. DEDIEU and M. ATTEIA, Minimization of energy in nonlinear elasticity. In: Nonlinear problems of analysis in geometry and mechanics, M. Attéia, D. Bancel, I. Gumowski editors, Research Notes in Math. 46, Pitman (1981).

4. J.-P. DEDIEU et M. ATTEIA, Topologie faible sur un espace phi-hilbertien. Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris. 289 (1979) 647-650.

3. J.-P. DEDIEU, Cônes asymptotes d’ensembles non convexes, Bulletin Société Mathématique de France, Mémoire 60 (1979) 31-44.

2. J.-P. DEDIEU, Critère de fermeture pour l’image d’un fermé non convexe par une multi-application, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, tome 287 (1978) 941-943.

1. J.-P. DEDIEU, Cône asymptote d’un ensemble non convexe, Comptes Rendus Acad. Sci. Paris, tome 285 (1977) 501-503.

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Livres publiés

28/02/2011 Comments off

1. Vallée du Nert (nouvelles), par J.-P. DEDIEU. Editions Lacour-Ollé, 2005, 48 pages, ISBN 2-7504-1152-1.
2. Points Fixes, Zéros et la Méthode de Newton par J.-P. DEDIEU. Springer Verlag, Mathématiques et Applications 54, 2006, 196 pages, ISBN 3-540-30995-0.
3. Analyse numérique matricielle, cours et exercices corrigés, par L. Amodei et J.-P. Dedieu. Dunod, Collection Sciences Sup, série Mathématiques Appliquées pour le Master/SMAI, 2008, 328 pages, ISBN 2-10-052085-7.
4. Mathématiques Appliquées L3, Cours complet avec 500 tests et exercices corrigés, J.-P. DEDIEU co-auteur, Pearson Education, (2009) 912 pages, ISBN 978-2-7440-7352-6

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