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AgriMip Pole Meeting

Minutes of meeting with Agrimip pole

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Minutes of T0+6 meeting T0+6 meeting slides Website, data repository and computing resources Mobilité massale subjective Massal motility modeling Concentration de la semence et mobilité — cf.

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Minutes of kick-off meeting T0 meeting slides ANR presentation slides Nice-Sophia Team Mobilité massale et fertilité chez les ovins IMV Corporate presentation

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Workshop “Collective motion of active swimmers”

The goal of the workshop is to provide an interdisciplinary forum gathering biologists, mathematicians and physicist working on the experimental observation and numerical modeling of suspensions of active swimmers. The workshop will consist of 6 one-hour lectures by experts and … Continue reading

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T0+24 meeting

The T0+24 meeting has been held on Friday 27 September at Nice (I3S).

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T0+18 meeting

The T0+18 meeting has been held on Tuesday 19 March at L’Aigle (IMV).

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Journal club IMT-IMFT — session #7

Agenda : Éric Climent and Blaise Delmotte will make a presentation of the FCM method used for simulation of active suspensions, cf. this synthesis paper : Chap_7_FCM

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Videos of kinetic version of the Vicsek model

Videos of the kinetic version of the Vicsek model and comparisons with the particle(Individual-Based) Vicsek model in the case of a specular reflection at the boundary Individual-Based model Kinetic model Simulations made and posted by Sébastien Motsch

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Data repository & computer server

Here a detailed description of this computer : MOT-WP0-TE01-serveur_calcul_V1

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T0+12 meeting

The T0+12 meeting has been held on Tuesday 18 September at Nice (I3S).

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