Research Links
Domaine de Recherche/Research interests: Probability theory, Diffusion processes, Long time behavior, functional inequalities, kinetic models, Biological models.
- Research project ANR IFO. (2005-2008)
- Research project ANR STAB. (2013-2016) Stability for the asymptotic behavior of PDEs, stochastic processes and their discretization
- Research project ANR EVOL (2009-2011) Dissipative EVOLutions and convergence to equilibrium.
- Research project ANR EFI (2018-2022) Entropy, Flows, Inequalities.
- CDFA Potsdam-Toulouse (2018-2022) Stochastic processes and statistical machine learning.
- Labex CIMI.
Recent and Forthcoming events:
- Semestre PDE-Probability February-May 2014 in Toulouse.
- Conference in honor of Persi Diaconis in Toulouse: Talking across fields. March 2014 in Toulouse.
- Journées MAS 2014 à Toulouse.
- Conference in Honour of the 60th Birthday of Dominique Bakry, Toulouse December 8-12 2014.
- CLAPEM 2014 september 2014. Cartagena (Colombia).
- Journées de Probabilités, Toulouse 26-29 Mai 2015.
- ANR Stab in Toulouse. 6-9 Juin 2017.
- Workshop Potsdam-Toulouse 14-16 Février 2018 in Potsdam.
- Semestre thématique CIMI Mathématiques et Informatique pour les sciences du vivant Sept-2017-Feb-2018, Toulouse.
- Workshop on Stability of functional inequalities and applications, June 13-15, 2018, Toulouse
- Populations: Interactions and Evolution. In the honor of S. Méléard. 10-14 September-2018, IHP. Paris
- Workshop EFI 28-29-30 November 2018, Lyon.
- Semestre thématique CIMI Calculus of variations and Probability. Feb-2019-June-2019, Toulouse.
- Workshop Potsdam-Toulouse 13-15 Mars 2019 in Toulouse.
- First joint meeting Brazil-France in Mathematics. July-2019, IMPA Rio de Janeiro.
- PDE/Probability Interactions October 14-18 2019. CIRM
- High Dimension Phenomena April 5-9 2021. CIRM
- 61 Probability Encounters, In honour of Sergey Bobkov. Toulouse, May 29th – June 2nd, 2023.
- Mathematics of disordered systems: a tribute to Francis Comets. Paris, June 5th to 7th 2023.
- Conférence en l’honneur de Sylvie Roelly. IHP 27-28 Mai 2024
My Co-Authors :
- Dominique Bakry
- Franck Barthe
- Emmanuel Boissard
- Djalil Chafai
- Claire Christophe
- Pierre Collet
- Laetitia Colombani
- Giovanni Conforti
- Manon Costa
- Paolo Dai Pra
- Fanny Delebecque
- Max Fathi
- Jens Fischer
- Myriam Fradon
- Sébastien Gadat
- Fabrice Gamboa
- Ivan Gentil
- Nathael Gozlan
- Arnaud Guillin
- Olympio Hacquard
- Alexey Kulik
- Amaury Lambert
- Jose R. Leon (Chichi)
- Christian Léonard
- Jean Pierre Lepeltier
- Florent Malrieu
- Mawaki Manou-Abi
- Servet Martinez
- Sylvie Méléard
- Laurent Mesnager
- Laurent Miclo
- Pierre Monmarché
- Sébastien Motsch
- Elissar Nasreddine
- Laure Pedèches
- Frédérique Petit
- Clémentine Prieur
- Marjolaine Puel
- Cyril Roberto
- Sylvie Roelly
- Jaime San Martin
- Salvatore Valitutti
- Feng Yu Wang
- Liming Wu
- Hans Zessin
- Chaoen Zhang
- Pierre André Zitt