Research Links




Domaine de Recherche/Research interests: Probability theory, Diffusion processes, Long time behavior, functional inequalities, kinetic models, Biological models.



  • Research project ANR IFO. (2005-2008)
  • Research project ANR STAB.  (2013-2016)  Stability for the asymptotic behavior of PDEs, stochastic processes and their discretization
  • Research project ANR EVOL  (2009-2011)  Dissipative EVOLutions and convergence to equilibrium.
  • Research project ANR EFI (2018-2022) Entropy, Flows, Inequalities.
  • CDFA Potsdam-Toulouse (2018-2022) Stochastic processes and statistical machine learning.
  • Labex CIMI.

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