Category Archives: CIMI 2017

Measured group theory (Uri Bader)

\( \def \curvearrowleft{\downarrow \mspace{-10mu} \cap \mspace{3mu}} \) \( \def \curvearrowright{\mspace{3mu} \cap \mspace{-10mu} \downarrow} \)

This is a transcript of my notes from Uri Bader’s lectures. They may not always accurately reflect the content of the lectures, especially in places I did not put down everything that was said, and some comments or details might have been added by me. In particular the last section does not contain the proofs of the Ornstein–Weiss theorem, Dye’s theorem and Rokhlin lemma that Uri explained in his lecture.

  1. First lecture
  2. Second lecture
  3. Third lecture
  4. Fourth lecture
  5. Fifth lecture

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Ingredients and consequences of quasi-isometric rigidity of lattices in certain solvable Lie groups (Tullia Dymarz)

This is a transcript of my notes from Tullia Dymarz’s lectures. They may not always accurately reflect the content of the lectures, especially in places I did not put down everything that was said, and some comments or details might be mine.

  1. First lecture
  2. Second lecture
  3. Third lecture
  4. Fourth lecture
  5. Fifth lecture

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