


On the spectral gap for punctured convex domains (with M. Bonnefont). Preprint 2025.

On one dimensional weighted Poincaré inequalities for Global Sensitivity Analysis (with D. Heredia and O. Roustant). Preprint 2024.



A note on the spectral gap for log-concave probability measures on convex bodies (with M. Bonnefont).
International Mathematics Research Notices 24 (2024), 14704-14728.

A note on eigenvalues estimates for one-dimensional diffusion operators (with M. Bonnefont).
Bernoulli 28 (2022), 64-86.

Intertwinings, second-order Brascamp-Lieb inequalities and spectral estimates (with M. Bonnefont).
Studia Mathematica 260 (2021), 285-316.

Intertwinings and generalized Brascamp-Lieb inequalities (with M. Arnaudon and M. Bonnefont).
Revista Matemática Iberoamericana, vol. 34 (2018), 1021–1054.

A note on spectral gap and weighted Poincaré inequalities for some one-dimensional diffusions (with M. Bonnefont and Y. Ma).
ESAIM Probability & Statistics, vol. 20 (2016), 18-29.

Spectral gap for spherically symmetric log-concave probability measures, and beyond (with M. Bonnefont and Y. Ma).
Journal of Functional Analysis, vol. 270:7 (2016), 2456-2482.

A note on convex ordering for stable stochastic integrals (with M. Manou-Abi).
Stochastics, vol. 87:4 (2015), 592-603.

• Intertwining relations for one-dimensional diffusions and application to functional inequalities (with M. Bonnefont).
Potential Analysis, vol. 41 (2014), 1005-1031.

Measure concentration through non-Lipschitz observables and functional inequalities (with A. Guillin).
Electronic Journal of Probability, vol.18 (2013), 1-26.

Intertwining and commutation relations for birth-death processes (with D. Chafaï).
Bernoulli, vol.19:5 (2013), 1855-1879.

• Curvature, concentration, and error estimates for Markov chain Monte Carlo (with Y. Ollivier).
The Annals of Probability, vol.38:6 (2010), 2418-2442.

• Upper bounds on Rubinstein distances on configuration spaces and applications (with L. Decreusefond and N. Savy).
Communications on Stochastic Analysis, vol.4:3 (2010), 377-399.

A new Poisson-type deviation inequality for Markov jump processes with positive Wasserstein curvature.
Bernoulli, vol.15:2 (2009), 532-549.

Poisson-type deviation inequalities for curved continuous time Markov chains.
Bernoulli, vol.13:3 (2007), 782-798.

On maximal inequalities for stable stochastic integrals.
Potential Analysis, vol.26:1 (2007), 57-78.

• A logarithmic Sobolev inequality for an interacting spin system under a geometric reference measure (with N. Privault).
Quantum Probability and White Noise Analysis, World Scientific, vol.20 (2007), 267-273.

• Functional inequalities for discrete gradients and applications to the geometric distribution (with N. Privault).
ESAIM Probability & Statistics, vol.8 (2004), 87-101.



Curvatures, intertwinings and functional inequalities for some Markov processes (in french), defended on November 29, 2019, at IMT.
Committee: S. Bobkov (U. Minnesota, USA, referee), P. Caputo (U. Roma Tre, Italy, referee), P. Cattiaux (IMT), G. Fort (IMT), O. Guedon (U. Marne-la-Vallée, referee), F. Malrieu (U. Tours) and S. Roelly (U. Potsdam, Germany, President).


PhD Thesis:

Concentration and fluctuations of stochastic processes with jumps, defended on October 6, 2006, at U. La Rochelle.
Committee: P. Graczyk (U. Angers), C. Houdré (Georgia Tech., Atlanta, USA, referee), C. Léonard (U. Paris Nanterre, referee), N. Privault (U. La Rochelle, supervisor), E. Rio (U. Versailles, President) and L. Wu (U. Clermont-Ferrand).