
Archive for February 7th, 2011

Scientific Activity

February 7th, 2011 Comments off


  • Hybrid Multiscale Methods for Hyperbolic Relaxation Problems, GNCS 2006, Mathematics Department University of Milano Bicocca, Milano (Italy). February 2006.
  • Hybrid Multiscale Methods for Kinetic Equations, Mathematics and its Applications. Mathematics Department, Politecnico di Torino (Italy). June 2006.
  • Domain decomposition techniques and hybrid multiscale methods for kinetic equations, Eleventh International Conference on Hyperbolic Problems. Ecole normale superieure, Lyon (France).July 2006.
  • An Introduction to Hybrid Multiscale Methods for Kinetic Equations, 14th International Conference on Finite Elements in flow Problems, Santa Fe (New Mexico). March 2007.
  • Monte Carlo schemes for Coulomb Interactions in Plasmas with Applications to Mixtures, Workshop Galileo 2007. October 2007 University of Parma. Parma.
  • Strong Stability Preserving methods for Kinetic Equations, SIAM annual meeting 2008. July 2008. San Diego, California.
  • Kinetic Modeling for Traffic Flows, SIMAI (Italian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) annual meeting 2008. September 2008, University of Roma La Sapienza. Roma.
  • On some kinetic-Fluid Coupling Strategies, SMAI annual meeting 2009. May 2009. Alpes Maritimes, France.
  • Moment Guided Monte Carlo Methods for Kinetic Equations, Emerging Topics in Dynamical Systems and Partial Differential Equations. Barcelona, Spain, June 2010.
  • Domain decomposition techniques for kinetic-fluid equations, SIMAI (Italian Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) annual meeting 2010. University of Cagliari, June 2010.
  • DSMC-fluid solver with dynamic localization of kinetic effects, Fluid-Kinetic Modelling in Biology, Physics and Engineering. Newton Institute, Cambridge. September 2010. Video
  • Localized Boltzmann upscaling techniques for fluid simulations, Workshop on Numerical Methods for stiff problems in Hamiltonian systems and kinetic equations. Saint Malo, France. January 2011.
  • Exponential Runge Kutta Methods for Kinetic Equations,  European Workshop on High Order Nonlinear Numerical Methods for Evolutionary PDEs: Theory and Applications (HONOM 2011), Trento, Italy. April 2011.
  • Exponential Runge Kutta Methods for Kinetic Equations, 7th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics – ICIAM 2011. Vancouver, Canada.  July 2011.
  • Hybrid methods for kinetic equations, Workshop on Numerical aspects of hyperbolic balance laws, Ferrara, Italy, April 2012.
  • Fluid Simulations with Localized Boltzmann Upscaling by Direct Monte Carlo. 21th International Conference on Domain Decomposition Methods-DD21. Inria-Rennes, France. June 2012.
  • On the time discretization of the Boltzmann equation and related problems. IperMiB2013: 15th Italian Meeting on Hyperbolic Equations. Milan, Italy September 2013.
  • Asymptotic Preserving and Asymptotic Accurate numerical methods for kinetic equations. Numerical approximations of hyperbolic systems with source terms and applications. Aachen, Germany September 2013.
Categories: Scientific Activity Tags:

Research Interests

February 7th, 2011 Comments off

Research Interests :

  • Monte Carlo and hybrid Monte Carlo methods for kinetic equations. 
  • Domain decomposition methods for rarefied gas dynamics and plasmas.
  • Asymptotic Preserving methods.
  • Collective dynamics: Modeling and simulations.


Involvements in Research Programs :


Present :

  • ANR Numerical Models Program 2011: MOTIMO. Seminal Motility Imaging and Modelling. Coordinator Pierre Degond.
  • ANR Blanc 2010: BOOST. Building the future Of numerical methOdS for iTer. Coordinator Giacomo Dimarco.

Past :

  • HYKE 2002-2004: HYperbolic and Kinetic Equations : Asymptotics, Numerics, Analysis . Coordinator Prof. Norbert Mauser.
  • MURST-PRIN 2005: Advanced Numerical methods for evolution equations. Coordinator Prof. Alfio Quarteroni.
  • MIUR-Programma Vigoni 2007: Numerical Methods for the simulation and the optimization of traffic flow on road network. Coordinator Prof. Lorenzo Pareschi.
  • University Italo-Francese Galileo 2006: Air Pollution due to Powder: mathematical problems and numerical simulations. Coordinator Prof. M. Groppi.
  • MAE – Italy-South Africa Program 2008-2010: Particulate air pollution: numerical methods and simulations. Coordinator Prof. L.Pareschi.
  • FAR – Ferrara University 2008: Numerical Model and Advanced Simulation Techniques for Partial Differential Equations. Coordinator Prof. L.Pareschi.
  • MURST-PRIN 2007: Advanced Numerical methods for evolution equations and multiscale problems. Coordinator Prof. Alfio Quarteroni.
Categories: Research Interests Tags:


February 7th, 2011 Comments off


  1. Hybrid Multiscale Methods I. Hyperbolic Relaxation Problems. G. Dimarco, L. Pareschi, Communications in Mathematical Sciences, Vol4, No. 1, pp.155-177, (2006). Preprint.
  2. Hybrid Multiscale Methods II. Kinetic Equations. G. Dimarco, L. Pareschi. SIAM Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Vol 6., No 4, pp.1169-1197 (2007). Preprint.
  3. A Moving Interface Method for Dynamic Kinetic-fluid Coupling. P. Degond, G. Dimarco, L. Mieussens. Journal of Computational Physics Vol. 227, pp. 1176-1208, (2007). Preprint.
  4. A Hybrid Method for Accelerated Simulation of Coulomb Collisions in a Plasma. R. Calfisch, C. Wang, G. Dimarco, B. Cohen and A. Dimits, SIAM Journal of Multiscale Modeling and Simulation Vol. 7, Issue 2, pp. 865-887 (2008). Preprint.
  5. Modelli e metodi numerici per equazioni iperboliche e cinetiche multiscala. G. Dimarco. La Matematica nella Società e nella Cultura – Rivista dell’Unione Matematica Italiana, Vol.2, pp. 235-238 (2009). Preprint.
  6. A Fluid Solver Independent Hybrid Method for Multiscale Kinetic equations. G. Dimarco, L. Pareschi, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing Vol. 32 issue 2, pp. 603-634 (2010). Preprint.
  7. A Multiscale Kinetic-Fluid Solver with Dynamic Localization of Kinetic Effects. P. Degond, G. Dimarco, L. Mieussens. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 229, Issue 13, pp. 4907-4933 (2010). Preprint.
  8. Direct simulation Monte Carlo schemes for Coulomb interactions in plasmas. G. Dimarco, R. Caflisch, L. Pareschi. Communications in Applied and Industrial Mathematics, Vol. 1, Issue 1, pp. 72-91 (2010). Preprint.
  9. The Moment Guided Monte Carlo Method. P. Degond, G. Dimarco, L. Pareschi. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Fluids, Vol.67, Issue 2, pp. 189-213 (2011). Preprint.
  10. Exponential Runge-Kutta methods for stiff kinetic equations. G. Dimarco and L. Pareschi. SIAM Journal of Numerical  Analysis, Vol. 49 , pp. 2057-2077 (2011). Preprint.
  11. Fluid simulations with localized Boltzmann upscaling by direct Monte Carlo. P. Degond and G. Dimarco.  Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 231, pp. 2414-2437 (2012). Preprint.
  12. High order asymptotic preserving schemes for the Boltzmann equation. G. Dimarco and L. Pareschi. C. R. Acad. Sci. Paris, Ser. I 350, pp. 481–486 (2012). Preprint.
  13. The hybrid moment guided Monte Carlo method for the Boltzmann equation. G. Dimarco. Kinetic and Related Models, Vol 6, pp. 291-315 (2013). Preprint.
  14. Asymptotic preserving implicit-explicit Runge-Kutta methods for non linear kinetic equations.  G. Dimarco and L. Pareschi.  SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis, Vol. 51,  pp. 1064-1087 (2013) . Preprint.
  15. Towards an ultra efficient kinetic scheme. Part I: basics on the BGK equation. G. Dimarco and R. Loubere. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 255,  pp. 680-698 (2013). Preprint.
  16. Towards an ultra efficient kinetic scheme. Part II: The high order case. G. Dimarco and R. Loubere. Journal of Computational Physics, Vol. 255,  pp. 699-719 (2013). Preprint.
  17. Hydrodynamics of the Kuramoto-Vicsek model of rotating self-propelled particles. P. Degond, G. Dimarco and T.B. N. Mac.  Mathematical Models and Methods in Applied Sciences, Vol. 24, pp. 277-325 (2014) . Preprint.
  18. Implicit-Explicit Runge-Kutta schemes for the Boltzmann-Poisson system for semiconductors. G. Dimarco, L. Pareschi and V. Rispoli. Communications in Computational Physics Vol. 15, pp. 1291-1319  (2014).
  19. Numerical Methods for Kinetic Equations. G. Dimarco, L. Pareschi. To appear in Acta Numerica (2014).


  1. An asymptotic preserving automatic domain decomposition method for the Vlasov-Poisson-BGK system with applications to plasmas. G. Dimarco, L. Mieussens, V. Rispoli. Submitted.


  1. Domain Decomposition Techniques and Hybrid Multiscale Methods for Kinetic Equations. G. Dimarco, L. Pareschi, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Hyperbolic problems: Theory, Numerics, Applications, pp. 457-464 (2007). Preprint.
  2. A remark on the finite number of particles effect in Monte Carlo methods for kinetic equations. G. Dimarco, P. Foscari, L. Pareschi. Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Industrial and Applied Mathematics ICIAM07 Volume 7, Issue 1, pp. 1041003-1041004 (2007). Preprint.
  3. Simulation of non equilibrium plasmas with a numerical noise reduced particle in cell method. P. Degond, F. Deluzet, G. Dimarco, G. Gallice, P. Santagati and C. Tessieras. Proceedings of the 27th International Symposium on Rarefied Gas Dynamics. Pacific Grove, California, AIP Conference Proceedings, Vol. 133, pp. 1112-1117 (2010).  Preprint.
  4. A smooth transition approach between the Vlasov-Poisson and the Euler-Poisson system. G. Dimarco, L. Mieussens and V. Rispoli. Domain Decomposition Methods in Science and Engineering XXI, Lecture Notes in Computational Science and Engineering, Springer-Verlag 2013.

Other Publications

  1. Modeling and Numerical Methods for Multiscale Hyperbolic and Kinetic Equations. G. Dimarco. Annali on line dell’ Università di Ferrara Vol.I 2 (2007). Preprint.
  2. Hybrid Simulation of Ion Acoustic Waves Including Coulomb Collisions. R. Calfisch, G. Dimarco, Bruce Cohen, Andris Dimits, C.M. Wang, Yanghong Huang. 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, November 12-16, 2007; Orlando, Florida, USA. On Bulletin of the American Physical Society Vol 52, N 11.
  3. A Hybrid Monte Carlo Method for Coulomb Collisions. R. Calfisch, G. Dimarco, Bruce Cohen, Andris Dimits, C.M. Wang, Yanghong Huang. 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, November 12-16, 2007; Orlando, Florida, USA. On Bulletin of the American Physical Society Vol 52,N 11.
  4. Simulation of sheath problems with an accelerated Monte Carlo method. R. Calfisch, G. Dimarco, Bruce Cohen, Andris Dimits, C.M. Wang, Yanghong Huang. 49th Annual Meeting of the Division of Plasma Physics, November 12-16, 2007; Orlando, Florida, USA. On Bulletin of the American PhysicalSociety Vol 52, N 11.
  5. Hybrid Monte Carlo schemes for plasma simulations. G. Dimarco and J. Narski. International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics ICNAAM 2011, AIP (American Institute of Physics) Conference Proceedings, Vol. 1389, pp. 1130-1133. (2011).
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