Category Archives: Hausdorff Institute

L2-invariants and 3–manifolds, II (Stefan Friedl)


Let \( N \) be a compact, orientable 3–manifold. Say that \( N \) is prime if it cannot be decomposed as the connected sum of two 3–manifolds both not homeomorphic to \( \mathbb S^3 \). (By the Sphere Theorem this is equivalent to \( N \) not containing any sphere not bounding a 3-ball, and \( M \not= \mathbb S^2 \times \mathbb S^2 \).)

An embedded torus \( T \subset N \) is said to be essential if the induced map \( \pi_1(T) \to \pi_1(N) \) is injective. By Papakryakopoulos’ Loop Theorem, if \( N \) is prime this is equivalent to \( T \) not being the boundary of an embeded solid torus.

Geometrisation Theorem (Perelman, conjectured by W. Thurston): Let \( N \) be a prime 3–manifold. Then one of the following holds:

  1. \( N \) is Seifert fibered;
  2. \( N \) is hyperbolic;
  3. \( N \) contains an incompressible torus.

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L2-invariants of locally symmetric spaces, III (Nicolas Bergeron)

Torsion (continued from previous lecture)

Locally homogeneous setting

We now consider a compact locally symmetric manifold \( M = \Gamma \backslash X \), with a local system \( \mathscr L \) coming from a representation \( \rho: G \to \mathrm{SL}(V) \) of the whole Lie group (we need \( \Gamma \) to stabilise a lattice in \( V \)).

To compute the analytic torsion it is also convenient to use the heat kernel. For this recall the trace formula for the heat kernel:
\mathrm{tr}(e^{-t\Delta_q}) := \sum_{j \ge 0} e^{-t\lambda_j} = \int_M \mathrm{tr}(e^{-t\Delta_q}(x, x)) dx
where \( \lambda_j \) are the eigenvalues of \( \Delta_q \) in \( L^2C^q(M) \). With this equality, we can use the Mellin transform to get the following expression for the spectral zeta function \( \zeta_q \) of \( \Delta_q \):
\zeta_q(s) = \frac 1 {\Gamma(s)} \int_0^{+\infty} t^s \mathrm{tr}(e^{-t\Delta_q}) \frac {dt} t.
This expression can be adapted to the \( L^2 \)-setting, and we define the \( L^2 \)-torsion of \( X \) with coefficients in \( \rho \) to be:
\tau_X^{(2)}(\rho) = \frac 1 2 \frac d{ds} \left( \frac 1 {\Gamma(s)} \int_0^{+\infty} dt t^{s-1} \int_{\widehat G} d_\pi e^{-t(\rho(\Omega) – \pi(\Omega))} d\mu_{pl}(\pi) \right)_{s=0}

  • For a unitary representation \( \pi \), we put \( d_\pi = \sum_q q(-1)^q \dim \left( \wedge^q\mathfrak p^* \otimes \mathcal H \otimes \pi \right)^K \);
  • \( \Omega \) is the Casimir operator of \( G \);
  • \( \mu_{pl} \) is the Plancherel measure of \( G \).

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L2-invariants of locally symmetric spaces, II (Nicolas Bergeron)

Betti numbers of symmetric spaces (continuing previous lecture)

Recall the setup: \( G, K, X=G/K \) are respectively a semisimple Lie group, a maximal compact subgroup and the associated symmetric space; \( \Gamma, M = \Gamma \backslash S \) are a discrete, torsion-free subgroup and the associated \( X \)-manifold. The de Rham complex of \( M \) can be computed via:
C^q(M) = \mathrm{Hom}_K \left( \wedge^q\mathfrak p, C^\infty(\Gamma \backslash G) \right)
and there is a Laplace operator \( \Delta_q \) which is essentially auto-adjoint and positive on the \( L^2 \)-completion of \( C^q \), and an associated heat operator which is given by convolution with the heat kernel
e^{-t\Delta_q} \in \left( \mathrm{End}(\wedge^q \mathfrak p^*) \otimes C^\infty(\Gamma \backslash G \times \Gamma \backslash G) \right)^{K \times K}.
The Betti numbers of \( M \) are then given by the formula:
b_q(M) = \lim_{t \to +\infty} \int_M \mathrm{tr}(e^{-t\Delta_q}(x, x)) dx.

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L2-invariants of locally symmetric spaces, I (Nicolas Bergeron)

Betti numbers of locally symmetric spaces

Let \( G \) be a semisimple Lie group, for example:

  • \( G = \mathrm{SL}_2({\mathbb R}) \) or \( \mathrm{SL}_m({\mathbb R}), m \ge 3 \);
  • \( G = \mathrm{SO}(p, q), p, q \ge 1 \) ;
  • \( G = \mathrm{SL}_2({\mathbb C}) \), which is isogenic to \( \mathrm{SO}(3,1) \).

Let \( K \) be a maximal compact subgroup of \( G \), and let \( X = G/K \) be the associated Riemannian symmetric space, whose group of orientation-preserving isometries is \( G \) (at least if the latter is connected). In the examples:

  • If \( G = \mathrm{SL}_2({\mathbb R}) \), we can take \( K = \mathrm{SO}(2) \) and \( X \) is then the hyperbolic plane \( {\mathbb H}^2 \);
  • If \( G = \mathrm{SL}_2({\mathbb C}) \), \( K = \mathrm{SU}(2) \) then \( X \) is the hyperbolic space \( {\mathbb H}^3 \);
  • If \( G = \mathrm{SL}_m({\mathbb R}) \) and \( K = \mathrm{SO}(m) \) then \( X \) is the subset of the projective space of m by m matrices which is the image of the cone of positive definite matrices.

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