Schedules Geometric Statistics
- Friday Aug 30:
- Monday Sept 2:
- 9h-10h15 / 10h45-12h: Susan Holmes (Geometrical Methods for Heterogeneous Data) [Slides 3, Slides 3]
- 14h-15h15 / 15h45-17h: Ezra Miller (Sampling from stratified spaces. 1: Stratified spaces) [Courses notes 1, Course notes 2]
- Tuesday Sept 3:
- 9h-10h15 / 10h45-12h: Ezra Miller (Sampling from stratified spaces. 2: Behavior of Fréchet means)
- 14h – 15h : Stephan Huckemann (On the Central Limit Theorem for Fréchet Means: Theory and Applications)
- 15h30 – 16h30: Thomas Hotz (Universal, non-asymptotic confidence sets for extrinsic and intrinsic means)
- Wednseday Sept 4:
- 9h-10h15 / 10h45-12h: Xavier Pennec (Statistics on Riemannian manifolds and affine connection spaces. 1: manifolds and basic statistics)
- 14h-15h: Huiling Le (Empirical Likelihood of Frechet Means)
- 15h30 – 16h30: Alice Le Brigant (Optimal Riemannian quantization for air traffic management)
- 16h30 – 17h30: Short student presentations
- Thursday Sept 5:
- 9h-10h15 / 10h45-12h: Xavier Pennec (Statistics on Riemannian manifolds and affine connection spaces. 2: Lie groups as affine connection spaces. 3: Barycentric subspace analysis, non-asymptotic behavior of the empirical mean.)
- 14h – 15h: Nina Miolane (Learning Submanifold with Geometric Variational Autoencoders: Application to Brain Functional Connectomes)
- 15h30 – 16h30: Alfred Kume (Maximum likelihood estimation for general models in size and shape spaces)
- 16h30 – 17h30: Short student presentations